Getting blood work done tomorrow!


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As some of you know I have been on Propecia and Aromasin. Aromasin to counter the Gyno:

So I decided to take a blood test to see what everything under the hood looks like because so far, everything is perfect onto my 4th Month on Propecia.

I am getting the following Tested tomorrow, asking the doctor of course...

Estradiol, Estrone, Bioavailable Testosterone, DHT, Prolactin and DHEA-S

and Mabye even a thyroid panel, TSH, Free T3, Free T4...

Thoughts? Anything Else?


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Did you actually get gyno (I don't recall you saying before) or just taking that aromasin stuff as a precaution?


Established Member
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Fundi said:
Did you actually get gyno (I don't recall you saying before) or just taking that aromasin stuff as a precaution?
Nah just got the Symptoms in the first week then hopped onto aromasin and it went away


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My long time Doctor didn't even know what DHT was and he wasn't sure what the 2nd type of Estrogen is... Lucky I had a little list with me.

The only things I can get tested is Ostradiol, Oestrone, Test and Prolactin.

He was against me taking Aromasin because it's not made for what I am using it for, no sh*t but seems like he would prescribe it to me.

Going tomorrow to get blood work done.