Getting Hair Tranplant - Need Thoughts/Advice


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Hi all,

I'm having a hair transplant done on March 1st, 2010. The appointment is booked, I've paid the deposit, but I need to get more thoughts from people before I go through with it.

I'm 27 years old, and my hair has been visibly thinning for the last 5 years. But it has only been really bad in the last 2 years. I don't take any meds right now, but I've been shampooing with Nizoral 2% for the last couple of months.

When I went for a consultation in August, the Doctor suggested 4,000 grafts, and that would cover the frontal area only. The crown/vertex would be covered in a later session. This is fine because I would rather focus on the front first, since I see it all the time.

My pics are attached. I haven't had a haircut in about 3 weeks. Based on my hair type and loss up until now, I'm just looking to see what your thoughts are.



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I can see the front is pretty bare, who's the Doctor doing the procedure?
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hi, where are having it done? lve had nearly the same amount 3850 l had it done by dr Westwood mind you that was 2 sessions ,l was a norwood 6 with that sort of loss l could only expect coverage which i did get lm now thinking about having more to thinken it up sounds like a pudding , take a look at my pics on you will have more choice's on there to view,well all the best if you need to know anything about the after affects etc drop me a line


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don't make the hairline too low.. and please do research and make sure that Doctor is highly regarded.. and by research, i mean on these forums like, hlh, regrowth to ensure you have non-biased opinions


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I'm having it done with Dr. Rahal.

How much donor hair do you think I will have left after 4,000 grafts?



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At least Rahal is a well respected surgeon. Good job too since you booked it all up before researching on here. (big mistake) You could easily of fucked your chances.

Looking at your pics 4000 will be plenty to give you a decent head of hair with what you have remaining.
But its absolutley neccessary for you to get on meds NOW before you lose what remains and then run out of donor. It looks to me like your heading for the NW6 pattern!
The average person has only about 7000 grafts available in their donor, it all depends on the hair density and scalp laxity so you cant afford to lose any more of your native hair or in a few years time you'll be in a bad situation.


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s.a.f said:
At least Rahal is a well respected surgeon. Good job too since you booked it all up before researching on here. (big mistake) You could easily of f***ed your chances.

Looking at your pics 4000 will be plenty to give you a decent head of hair with what you have remaining.
But its absolutley neccessary for you to get on meds NOW before you lose what remains and then run out of donor. It looks to me like your heading for the NW6 pattern!
The average person has only about 7000 grafts available in their donor, it all depends on the hair density and scalp laxity so you cant afford to lose any more of your native hair or in a few years time you'll be in a bad situation.

I did do my research when picking a surgeon, as my older brother had his hair transplant done with Dr. Rahal and I also read a lot of great reviews about him on various message boards. I'm thankful to live in Ottawa, and do not have to travel far to get this done.

I started this thread to get thoughts and opinions from people in general. The closer my surgery date gets, the more I think about the procedure, and whether I am making the right decision in my own life. I guess you can say I'm looking for positive reinforcement and so far that's what I've been getting.

With regards to the meds I plan on starting these after the surgery, as soon as I'm instructed to by the Doctor. I'm not on any right now, and 13 days won't make any difference. That's when I'm having the procedure done. The pics that I posted are very recent BTW, I took them on Feb 2nd, 2010.