Getting Pissed Drunk


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What does it achieve? I know there are various reports that a beer a day does the body good since it serves as a good blood thinner and anti-oxidant, but what about drinking a twelve pack? All I can say is that I was at the "alcoholic" rated level when I used to drink almost a quart a day. Now I am about to turn one month off of it, and I have realized that I can actually do without it. (Thank God)

I also always got the impression that excessive drinking induced shedding one way or another, but when I see drunken bums in the alleys with full heads of hair, I kind of disbelieve that myth...



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i don't know why but i don't like you.. i always thought you were dull..all your posts sound like you think we care about what you do. no one gives a sh*t


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hopewas said:
i don't know why but i don't like you.. i always thought you were dull..all your posts sound like you think we care about what you do. no one gives a sh*t

Am I supposed to like you now, or continue ignoring you like I have from day one?



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think about it like this xzel...would you rather have no hair or sirosis of the liver?


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Btw dont mind hopewas...hes just mad because his boyfriend dumped him jk


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blue said:
think about it like this xzel...would you rather have no hair or sirosis of the liver?

Good way to put it. It is basically a no-brainer but at the same time, it depends on 1.) How much you drink, 2.) How bad is the addiction. I had a distant cousin that died of liver sirosis at the age of 36, and he wouldn't be able to get out of bed in the mornings without having a shot of Whiskey. I have to watch out, it runs in the family.



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I have accepted the fact that I'm going to probably die drunk or high. So f*ck it, I like to drink it up and am a functioning alcholic. I'm drunk right now actually. I'm sure glad I got free health care.


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Drinking a quart a day means you're alcoholic, no questions asked- that would be more along the lines of a 'dependant' alcoholic- someone who can't function in daily life without booze.

People are also binge drinkers, which means they don't drink every day, nor are they dependant on it, but when they DO drink, they tend to get smashed and don't remember much the next day- I'd say this is much, much more common (college drinking, 20-somethings partying on weekends, etc)

I used to go out every weekend with a ton of friends and get hammered, both Fridays and Saturdays, then be back on track for college starting mondays, no problem. Now, it's a different story for me- I might go out twice a month and drink it up, but I can't drink nearly as much as I used to and my hangovers are lethal now! I guess I've settled down, but I would still say I'm borderline on being an alcoholic. I like to drink, but it doesn't interfere- ever- in my responsibilities nor am I dependant at all on it- but I do tend to get smashed on a Friday night or something.

I don't think it has anything to do with hairloss though!


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xzel said:
hopewas said:
i don't know why but i don't like you.. i always thought you were dull..all your posts sound like you think we care about what you do. no one gives a sh*t

Am I supposed to like you now, or continue ignoring you like I have from day one?


i know you won't ignore me. you crave too much attention to do that on this board. read your posts


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blue said:
Btw dont mind hopewas...hes just mad because his boyfriend dumped him jk

i've noticed that you laugh at the end of all your jokes because no one else does

hey blue, if you agree that you're the biggest c*** on this board, type "i laugh so people know im jokin ..***" in your next post


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i laugh so people know im jokin ..***


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Nice edit hope.Btw i am what i eat.


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did you just call yourself a c***? saves me time on joking on you even more because you do a good job at it by yourself


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Let's face it, you're all lacking some confidence because of your crappy hair sistuation. No need to go around bashing eachother, take a step away from yourself for a minute.... and look at yourself from a birds-eye view..... is this really the person you want to be? Maybe you could spend your time doing something more productive then this.



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what are you talking about?.. i have nothing against any of you..i'm just f*****g with all of you. except for xcel.. i mean everything i say about him. my hair situation isn't bad ..and even if it was. i wouldn't b**ch about it like most of the people here. some people need to grow some balls. yeah it sucks. but worrying and being afraid changes nothing in the end except for people's perceptions of you


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You are pathetic Hopewas. Keep it up and I'll have your home address up here next.


Nice lid, jerk off. Are you trying to comb the sides of your head up to your crown?