getting really really low.


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man, im sorry to whine here but things are getting really terribel for me. im 21 and have diffuse unpatterned alopecia where everything thins including the back and sides. its not entirely noticable yet becuase i got some blonde highlights and ive let my hair grow stupidly long. this sh*t is really starting to kill me.

and like, i saw a friend the other day who was receeding a year ago, and he has awesome thick long shoulder length hair that easily hides the receeding. it just sucks cuz im not even receeding whatsoever but my hair is just so awkwardly thin. 7 months ago, i was in awesome shape, my hair looked fine, i was jogging every day and i had a toned tanned body. then like a lightswitch, my diffuse thinning started and all of a sudden i couldnt style my hair anymore. it went from one day of being able to to the next not. its weird how that happens.

anyway, so i ended up moving away from home to go work on the oil patch in Alberta. and ive been a wreck ever since i got here. i sit at home on the computer and eat shittily and drink alcohol. now im harsh out of shape and i have a severe alcohol problem. and due to that alcohol problem, ive gotten myself into trouble with the law. im charged with assault for a fight that i got in while drunk. now im going to have a record for the rest of my life and im stuck here until my court date.

i can only imagine how good things would have been if my hair didnt start diffuseing at such a crucial point in my life. now it seems that my life is trashed and i dont know what the f*** to do with myself.

its terribel because ive got a really beautiful girl that loves me back in vancouver who calls me everyday wondering when im coming home. but im so ashamed ofmy hair. i feel like cutting off contact with every single person i know and going to live somewhere in the city and be anonymous.


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sever yourself from your alcohol addiction, it will only get worse as time goes on and you will build a dependance on it. seriously. you can make the choice NOW to be an alcoholic for the rest of your life or not. alcoholism is much worse than hair loss if you ask me. it affects every single aspect of your life. after years of alcoholism, you have the choice to either join AA and give up alocohol forever, or drink yourself to death.

for someone with an addiction, the oil sands are no place to be. probably living in some remote camp with little to do with your free time. some of my friends from winnipeg are hugely addicted to coke since going to work in alberta.

you have a girl at home that loves you, it sounds like you need her right now. your probably only 1000kms or less away from your girl, go see her, she may lift your spirits. i'm also 21 and have noticable hair loss and i agree it sucks, but you need to make life changes man. hair loss treatments can get your hair back, or at least help you keep what you have.

it's plain to see, you are your own worst enemy. just fix your sloppy lifestyle and you will feel better. i've worked in ft. mcmurray for 6 months and i won't go back - it made me feel depressed. sounds like that's where you are.

go see your girl, get out of noman's land. get hairloss treatments.


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Hairloss sucks so bad that dying before you go more bald can be a good thing.


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You need your girls comfort..she won't worry about your hair.

Feel for you man and many of us feel the same but you have to dig deep some days and say wtf its only hair and go out there and be confident..


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Try not to let it beat you, look at it as a way to change your whole life for the better, there will come a day when you will be very secure within yourself again, I wish you all the best in getting through this rough patch.


Hey emex,

I am sorry to hear about your story. But let me tell you, you are not alone.

I wouldn´t say that my hair loss happened over night, but the day I discovered I was thinning it hit me like a bomb. I was never so close to kill myself. Seriously, if there had been a supersonic train I would have jumped..... Since then my life isn´t the same anymore. I am thinking about hairloss 24/7. It controls my thoughts, my life, everything.....

You are really lucky that you still have a nice caring girlfriend. Believe it or not, but I am 24 years old and never had a girlfriend in my life. I am still a virgin. It is very important that you don´t lose her. Go and visit her, tell her about your problem. I am sure she will be supportive of your situation. And last but not least: Don´t give up the struggle against male pattern baldness. Start treatment and try to get back what you have lost before. Good Luck mate!


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Taugenichts said:
You are really lucky that you still have a nice caring girlfriend. Believe it or not, but I am 24 years old and never had a girlfriend in my life. I am still a virgin.

have you ever posted pics of yourself here? i can't understand why you would be a virgin at 24, i know guys who are ugly, 25, NW6 and still get laid. whats going on with you? lack of motivation? lack of self esteem sounds more likely, but you should be able to overcome that.


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I know a guy who is 23 and a couple of weeks ago he saw his first female private parts ever in real-life....he was too wasted to be able to screw her, so he is technically still a virgin, but managed to try out other stuff. He was not impressed and claimed that she smelt 'musky'. Poor guy, hes been trying to talk to girls for 23 years to find his honey-pot, and he gets a cabbage patch.


dietcola said:
Taugenichts said:
You are really lucky that you still have a nice caring girlfriend. Believe it or not, but I am 24 years old and never had a girlfriend in my life. I am still a virgin.

have you ever posted pics of yourself here? i can't understand why you would be a virgin at 24, i know guys who are ugly, 25, NW6 and still get laid. whats going on with you? lack of motivation? lack of self esteem sounds more likely, but you should be able to overcome that.

Yeah, I posted pics (page 1 and 6) on this thread ... hp?t=32283

Feel free to share your opinion....


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Taugenichts said:
dietcola said:
Taugenichts said:
You are really lucky that you still have a nice caring girlfriend. Believe it or not, but I am 24 years old and never had a girlfriend in my life. I am still a virgin.

have you ever posted pics of yourself here? i can't understand why you would be a virgin at 24, i know guys who are ugly, 25, NW6 and still get laid. whats going on with you? lack of motivation? lack of self esteem sounds more likely, but you should be able to overcome that.

Yeah, I posted pics (page 1 and 6) on this thread ... hp?t=32283

Feel free to share your opinion....

In this particular shot you look like you may have dead bodies hidden under your floorboards, despite this.. it is obvious that you are a good looking guy, seriously.. if you could forget about your hair and work on the social side of yourself you would be very suprised at the response you would get, in 5 years time you might really have something to worry about so enjoy it while you can, and you can.


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Taugenichts said:
dietcola said:
Taugenichts said:
You are really lucky that you still have a nice caring girlfriend. Believe it or not, but I am 24 years old and never had a girlfriend in my life. I am still a virgin.

have you ever posted pics of yourself here? i can't understand why you would be a virgin at 24, i know guys who are ugly, 25, NW6 and still get laid. whats going on with you? lack of motivation? lack of self esteem sounds more likely, but you should be able to overcome that.

Yeah, I posted pics (page 1 and 6) on this thread ... hp?t=32283

Feel free to share your opinion....

dude, despite the fact that your face isn't perfectly symmetrical (might be the picture?) you are slender, your hairloss isn't noticable, you've got nice blue eyes. f*** buddy you're only holding yourself back. once you have your first gf/sexual encounter your confidence will go up, you'll get addicted to it. the first step is the hardest.


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you are a very good looking guy, you even seem to have a look that could work very well with women, but you obviously have issues that are far worst than looks, get a good psychologic help and eventually you'll fix whatever is wrong with you. looks dont matter that much as most people seem to think here. your problem has nothing to do with looks. convince yourself of this and start treating your real problems.


Thank you guys!

The reason why I am so insecure about my looks is that I posted various pics at hotornot and similiar sites and ALWAYS got very low ratings.


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Those sites are meaningless, some of the people on there who may be considered hot are not the kind of people that anyone would want to be freinds with. Nobody seriously evaluates a persons worth by how they appear on hot or not.


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haha. i didnt realize how bad my thread had been hijacked. luckily, 17 days after this thread was made, i saw the light!


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ya what happened to taug anyway, he brought some sorely needed entertainment to these boards.


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what do you mean emex4? I want to know how this goes on...

also, what happened to taug? (nice guy, but hopeless)


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People got bored of Taugs negativity and the fact that no matter how they tried to help he'd just dismiss any advice. So they gave up on him and he left because he was'nt getting the sympathy anymore.