Give ZMA a shot! Boosts test nicely.


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Alright, for anyone suffering from some sort of sexual side effect this will help you big time. I was barely able to get it up at certain points, started taking ZMA once during the day and then before bed and I am getting erections like I was before propecia.

It is a combination of zinc, mg and vitamin b6 and raises test naturally. Go to GNC or any health food store and pick some up! I am using EAS btw.



Senior Member
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Think I may just do that, i've heard Zinc is good for the libido.


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Cassin - The odds are pretty good, I know :) But I have been following these boards for about 3 years now. In my specific case, this is the first time I have felt strongly enough about sharing this that I created an account.

Give it a try, I have told 2 other friends who were just about to quit propecia due to weaker erections and the ZMA put them right back on track.

Also, Do not consume ZMA with milk, it lowers the efficacy of the ZMA to a large enough extent that I do not even consume calcium within one hour before/after taking it.


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How long till you saw improvment? Do you see it right after you take it or after a few days/weeks?


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I would have thought raising test, would raise estrogen and therefore the sides would remain...


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cassin, fwiw zma isn't a specific product... there are lots of brands making it.

zmk is another one..

It does help in my opinion, I use it for optimal recovery from my workouts and it gives good sleep. I can't say I've noticed huge differences in libido but i didn't really have issues in the department anyway.

It is worth noting that testosterone also directly contributes to hairloss though, so boosting it most likely won't help your hair. Zinc is supposed to be good for the hair though so who knows how it all works out.

I would personally give DIM or I3C a go if you think you are getting estrogen related sides and don't want to boost test.


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So what do you think about taking ZMA with finasteride?

I recently started taking ZMA for sleep and test, was also considering getting on finasteride...

the ZMA did seem to thin my hair a little

Would you think finasteride would keep it (increased testosterone/DHT) in check? How long until finasteride starts battling the DHT? right away or months?

More importantly: Should I get off ZMA if I'm not on finasteride yet?



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ZMA increases test by inhibiting estrogen therefore boosting free testosterone about 30%. If anything it should help with the estrogen related sides from finasteride. I have been taking it for the past 3 months. I workout/bodybuild.


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I take ZMA a few times a week. It should be taken on somewhat empty stomach before bedtime, and there is crucial that you don't consume calcium at the same time. If this is a problem you better consume it during day.

If it stands between my caseine drink and ZMA, I'll always go for the protein.

I don't think it will boost my T with 30 %. That's bullshit, maybe for 15 minutes or so in a sponsored clinical trial. But I think it helps slightly with recovery from workout.

If I wake up during night I take ZMA and easily go to sleep again.