GOD I'm so depressed.



Hi everybody, this is my first post. Thanks for reading this. Obviously I am suffering from hair loss :woot: cause I'm posting here. Heres a little info about me. I am a 24 y/o Male, serving in the U.S. Army WHOOT. I am stationed up in Ft. Drum, NY and deployed in Iraq. I enjoy my life and what I do for my country. I have been thinning for about a year now, (NOT stress related), my dad went balled at 25. I got pissed 2 weeks ago, and completely shaved my head, when I say shaved...I took a razor and skinned it. Well...its been 2 weeks and my hair grows FAST...EXCEPT!! for the hair on the TOP of my head. I have about two quarter sized of bald marks (no hair) and a receeding hairline with my stubble I have grown in 2 weeks. I have been hopeing and praying that I can possibly grow my hair back if I shave my head but It has'nt. What really got me was yesterday, I spoke with my Sargeant Major, introducing myself, and he could not beleive I was 24 and going balled. As a matter of fact, he brought it up and started rubbing his balled head and told me I just need to skin that because I need to give up, it aint growin back. Well, that really upset me and I have been non stop constantly obsessing about it for the past 48 hours. So bad that I don't wanna show my head but I cannot help it. I don't wanna be around anybody but its kind of hard when your deployed lol, KNOW WHAT I MEAN??!.... I am a strong person and VERY hard headed. I spit at stuff like Rogaine...BUT I'm gonna break down and buy it...im desprate...I shaved my head again tonight and I hate it...I hate it very much so and I want my hair..I guess my question is, IS it possible to apply rogaine to a completely shaved, balled head or is that stuff made for dudes with hair? god... :lost: !!! thanks for reading this guys, sorry for the sob story.. this crap sux!

Hans Gruber

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applying rogaine foam is perfect on a shaved/skinned head.............much better than on heads of hair cos then it just gets all messed in with it.

i dunno what the army is like with drug tests and what ya allowed/not allowed but if you want to KEEP what hair you do have you need to get on propecia,ask a doctor about it.

basically rogaine foam will hopefully regrow your hair while the propecia will maintain what you do have .

it is completely possible to save your hair,dont listen to your SgtMjr! well,just not about this

good luck :)


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libertine said:
it is completely possible to save your hair,

Possible but not by any means gauranteed. Use this forum to educate yourself on treatments, good luck.


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My Regimen
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Yeah going bald (not balled, where did you get that from?) at 24 is not THAT rare I think. You should at least try the proven treatments, they either help you or they don't. But one thing is for sure, you'll lose your hair if you don't do anything.


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army_dude904 said:
I spit at stuff like Rogaine...BUT I'm gonna break down and buy it...im desprate...

What you're too tough to use rogaine? Have fun going bald!

Seriously though, DON'T be depressed. With rogaine and propecia together you have a very good chance of completely reversing the loss and regrowing hair - it takes awhile though, 6-12 months, and you have to stay on them for life - for me it's a small price to pay to keep my hair.

What's it like over in Iraq these days? I've got a buddy deployed in a jail over there - doesn't see any action but at least he's safe.

Follically Challenged

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Get the Rogaine foam, and get finasteride, dutasteride, or both.

Consider ketoconazole shampoo (most people use Nizoral but I recommend Revita because it doesn't have any irritating surfactants plus it has a host of other stuff in it)

Usually I would recommend a host of topicals instead of popping pills but in Iraq the easier the regimen, the better.

Applying any topical to a bald head is better, what you want to do is get it on the skin, not on the hair. So you will save money and it will be easier to apply with a bald head.

When applying the foam or any kind of minoxidil do it to a dry head to avoid systemic absorbtion.

Good luck and it's great what you are doing for the people of Iraq. I get my updates from http://www.mnf-iraq.com every day and you are really doing a great job of capturing the enemies and winning over the Iraqi population, or so it would seem. The American media is NOT reporting this, or very little of it though.


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Let's turn this into a politics thread!

Yeah I agree the Army is making some gains and turning things around and the media doesn't report the good stuff - but wait - didn't we START this mess by going in in the first place?

good luck with your hair man.

Hans Gruber

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alkulk said:
Lucky_UK said:
How did you post this if you are in Iraq? have they got internet??

An ignorant post.

does no one understand sarcasm? no one at all?

Hans Gruber

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treeshrew said:
army_dude904 said:
I spit at stuff like Rogaine...BUT I'm gonna break down and buy it...im desprate...

What you're too tough to use rogaine? Have fun going bald!

Seriously though, DON'T be depressed. With rogaine and propecia together you have a very good chance of completely reversing the loss and regrowing hair - it takes awhile though, 6-12 months, and you have to stay on them for life - for me it's a small price to pay to keep my hair.

What's it like over in Iraq these days? I've got a buddy deployed in a jail over there - doesn't see any action but at least he's safe.

lol i bet he sees plenty of other kinds of 'action'


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army_dude904 said:
Hi everybody, this is my first post. Thanks for reading this. Obviously I am suffering from hair loss. I have been non stop constantly obsessing about it for the past 48 hours. I don't wanna show my head but I cannot help it. I don't wanna be around anybody but its kind of hard when your deployed lol, KNOW WHAT I MEAN??!...I shaved my head again tonight and I hate it...I hate it very much so and I want my hair.. thanks for reading this guys, sorry for the sob story.. this crap sux!

Army dude,

Welcome. I used to be a regular here under another screenname. Don't apologize for the sob story dude. Some people on here may give you grief for sobbing but we've all done it at one time or another. Hair loss sucks. No doubt about it. Something I tell myself though is that things could always be worse. Try to imagine all of the ways in which your life could be worse and try to concentrate on the things you're thankful for. You have a good life Army dude! You're alive and you're healthy. That alone is enough to be thankful for in my mind. Also, science is quickly catching up with baldness. Do not give up hope! Hair transplants are now possible and the really bright light on the horizon is hair cloning. Doctors could eventually take just one healthy hair follicle on our head and clone it to infinity. We could have a full head of hair. That keeps my spirits up.

Like some have already said, start Propecia and Nizoral as soon as possible. I'm in the U.S. but I get my Proscar (which is the same exact chemical, finasteride, as Propecia) without a prescription from the UK. Go here: http://www.antiaging-systems.com/ I get Nizoral from http://www.canadapharmacy.com without a prescription. Cut the Proscar up into quarters and take 1 everyday and skip the fifth day.

And do the Rogaine foam too if you want. Keep your head up! Stand tall. Stand proud.