Going Bald and Dont know what to do


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Hello everybody,

I am a 22 year old male and I have set up a Bebo page to support baldness. For those of you who do not know its like myspace. I ahve set it up so younger people like myself who suffer or are interested to know more can have a safe non commercial dependant reference for male pattern baldness. Its particularly scarce (info) in Ireland, and I found for the last four years I have had a hard time researching.

I have had one surgery and in the lenght of time i researched surgeons etc I discovered pitfalls, regulatory trobles, even scammers and untrustworthys.

All I am saying is that I suffered emotionally for a long time before my op and would like to offer support to those who are going through it and advice even to overcome it...

I need your help to do so..


Thank you to everyone who reads this


Senior Member
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good page you got there!

Bald Dave

Established Member
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Did you have a hair transplant at only 22?


BaldK, it really hurts to read your words because I can feel how painful hairloss is for you. I wish I could say something positive, but I really don´t wanna lie to you. Did you try the proven treatments such as Propecia or Rogaine? Yes, they are far from perfect but definetly better than nothing. All I can say for now is that you have to keep in mind that you are not the only one going through this sh*t and here at HairLossTalk.com are many people like me who will always listen to what you have to say.

Good Luck, my friend!


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Bald Dave said:
Did you have a hair transplant at only 22?

I had my first hair transplant when I was about 21, and had been on rogaine since I was 19 or 20. I'm in my early 30s now.


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Recboi, you seem to be doing much better now than you were doing a while back. Is that a fair statement?