going bald - how fast?


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hey guys,

I started to thin at my crown about 7 months ago. I have no thinning at all on my front hairline and my hair still grows quickly (I need a haircut every 2 and a half - 3 weeks). I'm 27 and in very good condition physically/health wise.

Over the last 2 months it seems that the thinning has increased very rapidly. It seems that every week I look in the mirror (my mirror at home, as I work away and live in hotels a lot, so dont really 'go' off those mirrors) - it has progressed quite dramatically from the previous week.

I thought it was maybe all in my head, but recently 2 of my female friends and 1 of my male friends have made comments (nicely phrased ones though!) about how quickly my hair seems to be going.

What I'd like to hear is how quickly/slowly things progressed for you guys? whether my situation is unusually quick or not? and if it is, could there be some other medical reason for this speed other than simple genetics etc?

Thanks in advance to the group


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Sounds like general male pattern baldness (Male Pattern Baldness). I would jump on the Propecia bandwagon and start using a good shampoo like Nizoral or Neutrogena T/Gel for starters. This combo should arrest most of the fallout and you will start seeing results in as little as 3 months. But give it a year.



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I agree you are a prime candidate for propecia due to the location of your balding area. Go to http://www.prothik.com or buy dermmatch to conceal your hair loss. I swear by both products you will not be disappointed.


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how quickly do i lose my hair???
i have been losing it for 8 years and have heavy defuse loss, i would guess that i am nearest a NW4
i lost most the hair that i have lost in the first year,after that its been very very slow

i think some guys can go from no hairloss to a nw7 in a couple of years and some take 30 or 40 years
also the speed of loss my change, you may find that it halts for a few years


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Kiwi is right, some guys will go bald over 10 years or more, a very slow process. They are the lucky ones.

Then there are the unlucky ones like me and a few other who only started going bald a few years ago (I'm 21 now) and am just approaching the N7 stage

It sucks


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I've noticed it for the last 2 years, my hairline's moved back maybe 1/2 inch, and very very light diffuse thinning. I guess if I left it, I'd be noticably bald @ the 5 or 6 year mark. That's how slow mine's progressing.


I worked it out the other night

10 years since I noticed that my hair had suddenly (over a two or three month period) gone from 'normal' to itchy/greasy/wierd, it has been a very slow prgression downhill since.

took me years to notice (one 'dissadvantage' of slow balding!) and do anything about.



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ty, im pretty much in the same situation as you, i have noticed a very slow thinning process for the last 10 years...i cant say im in a norwood scale though...if anything a 1.5?

The shedder

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I've only been losing my hair for about 2 and a half years and my one temples a good Norwood 2 and the other creeps back and looks like sh*t probably all the way to a norwood 2.5