Going Bald In Less Than A Year, Need Advice


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Hello. At 39 I had zero hairloss. Long, thick, wavy black hair that I could barely contain to style.

In August I noticed some shedding and thinning at the vertex and immediately saw a dermatologist. Her first diagnosis was Telogen Effluvium. I wasn't confident in a single diagnosis and saw three additional dermatologists along with a biopsy. All but one said it was a diffuse Telogen Effluvium and that I should be patient it would all return within a year. They were hair specialists in Chicago at the most reputable hospital in the city.

I waited. The loss worsened as I waited for the promise of a return. I saw her again in December and was assured it was going improve. On my return four month visit the Doctor seems to be waver and is now directing me to Rogaine and Propecia.

I have lost so much hair. I started Rogaine May 1 and the shedding is crazy.

I am so angry that I could have saved my hair if I had started treatment in August when it was full and thick. I feel like it was malpractice.

Can anyone help me understand timing and the potential for regrowth under these conditions? I am healthy, marathoner in a strict pales diet.

The loss has been very very diffuse. Only now am I starting to see thinning at the temple.

Can I recover?

Appreciate any real insight. It is so hard to get honest answers.


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Hello. At 39 I had zero hairloss. Long, thick, wavy black hair that I could barely contain to style.

In August I noticed some shedding and thinning at the vertex and immediately saw a dermatologist. Her first diagnosis was Telogen Effluvium. I wasn't confident in a single diagnosis and saw three additional dermatologists along with a biopsy. All but one said it was a diffuse Telogen Effluvium and that I should be patient it would all return within a year. They were hair specialists in Chicago at the most reputable hospital in the city.

I waited. The loss worsened as I waited for the promise of a return. I saw her again in December and was assured it was going improve. On my return four month visit the Doctor seems to be waver and is now directing me to Rogaine and Propecia.

I have lost so much hair. I started Rogaine May 1 and the shedding is crazy.

I am so angry that I could have saved my hair if I had started treatment in August when it was full and thick. I feel like it was malpractice.

Can anyone help me understand timing and the potential for regrowth under these conditions? I am healthy, marathoner in a strict pales diet.

The loss has been very very diffuse. Only now am I starting to see thinning at the temple.

Can I recover?

Appreciate any real insight. It is so hard to get honest answers.
My hair started to really thin at 39 too. Even with Propecia and Rogaine, it continued to thin at slow pace but never stopped in its tracks. Some men can lose alot of hair later in life. You may be one of them. I also have thyroid autoimmune problems so it maybe related to that too. I had alot of shedding too when I first started treatments and I never recovered above base line. For some people, the hair may get worse if you don't respond well. I never had thick hair like you so even with loss, you might not be able to tell too badly so you have that in your favor. You have to accept the fact that some men do lose hair in their 40's and above and some don't. Unfortunately only time will tell. However consider yourself lucky, nonetheless, because most of the guys with the worse cases would love to be in your shoes right now.


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Thank you for your response. Are you willing to elaborate on you thyroid auto immune issue. One change I didn't consider was a low thyroid levels in October 2015. I was put on thyroid medication. I stopped when I noticed the shedding in August 2016. Since then my levels have all been perfect. I've also been on antibiotics for about 20 years for beard folliculitis.

Thank you.

My hair started to really thin at 39 too. Even with Propecia and Rogaine, it continued to thin at slow pace but never stopped in its tracks. Some men can lose alot of hair later in life. You may be one of them. I also have thyroid autoimmune problems so it maybe related to that too. I had alot of shedding too when I first started treatments and I never recovered above base line. For some people, the hair may get worse if you don't respond well. I never had thick hair like you so even with loss, you might not be able to tell too badly so you have that in your favor. You have to accept the fact that some men do lose hair in their 40's and above and some don't. Unfortunately only time will tell. However consider yourself lucky, nonetheless, because most of the guys with the worse cases would love to be in your shoes right now.


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Get your blood levels checked, especially for thyroid. Then if its all normal, ask your doctor for a derm referral or to simply start finasteride


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Got some pics so we can assess how bad it is?

If it's male pattern baldness and it's mild-moderately aggressive you have a decent chance of making a recovery on the propecia and rogaine I'd say
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Never take the diagnosis or opinion of a woman seriously when it comes to topics that concern men. If you just started losing hair and you get on Propecia and stay on in consistently, your hair loss will likely stop completely and you'll probably gain a lot of it back. For me finasteride has been a double edged sword, I always had sides when I took it at a dose that was effective in stopping my hair loss, but YMMV.


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I am in a state of utter panic. After my last derm visit 4/28. My female derm said she thought my issues were 15% MPD at the most though provided no other diagnosis.

I asked what I could do that would be safe and could help retain hair. She said there is never harm in Rogaine. I started that regimen on what was still a very think head of hair with thinning at the crown.

After about 5 days the sheds went from max 40 per day to literally handfuls of hair and it has gotten worse now that I am in week seven. Long think 5-8 inch hairs are falling like rain. The are all T hairs.

I don't know what to do. Stop now and hope I can return to the fast but in context acceptable look or continue to watch my hair become noticeable bald.

I wish I read more of the Rogaine posts before starting, Two hair seems, ranked doctor's in a major market reassured me that I could do no harm with Rogaine. At 300-400 hairs per shower I can't imagine what this will look like at the month 3 assessment. Next derm visit is in September.

Also doing Ketokonozal 2% 3/week. Paleo diet. Iron supplements (per doctor) and a Capillus 202 3/week.

I'm ready to stop all cold turkey accept the diet and iron.

The loss is diffuse and began 8/1/2016.

Please advise.


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Same with me, started shedding like mad one year ago, hair line doesnt move, its all over the scalp. About 4 weeks ago i started minoxidil and finasteride but got puffy face from minoxidil and went off, now im experiencing brain fog and some kind of mental tiredness from the finasteride and not sure if im gonna continue, started shedding like mad again, probably cause of minoxidil or finasteride


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This is one image just from this morning. Light brushing with wide hair saving brush on dry hair. In addition hair falls as I walk or sit doesn't matter.

It's like all have been completely expelled.

The Doctor said to continue. I don't think I can.


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Rogaine shedding means its work, it will grow back. U on finasteride?


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I seriously would have stayed away from minoxidil if I had hair that thick at 39. I don't see why you started treatment in the first place. Your hair wet looks perfect. Its normal to have a middle part and cowlick showing some scalp when wet. It's very rare for men approaching 40 to have hair that thick and great density. I would have gone to a hair transplant doctor and had my hair density mapped out before I did anything. My hair was never that thick when I started treatments. However, I can understand that having hair like that all your life and then find its starting to slowly thin( totally normal at 39), you would panic but I would go to experts that could tell me to hold off. The least I would do would be to use a shampoo for thinning hair. You probably have the best hair I have even seen in any hair loss forum for a guy approaching 40. And you look very good for your age. No gray hair either. You are aging well. I am sure everyone in this forum would make some kind of sacrifice to have your hair genetics.


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Minoxidil is more or less just a growth treatment. Without an anti androgen, it's almost completely
useless on its own.


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Thank you. That beach photo was August 2016, since I've lost about 70% of the density and the Rogaine shed is making the loss far more progressive. I will try the hair density mapping this week, hope it's not too late to get that information. As I said this all came out of know where and the answers I have been getting from respected hair doctors has been inconsistent if not wrong.

How long will a Rogaine shed last? Heading into week 8. I am not on finasteride. What will the consequences be if I stopped 8 weeks in on the Rogaine after such heavy shedding?

Thank you for the response


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I am in a state of utter panic. After my last derm visit 4/28. My female derm said she thought my issues were 15% MPD at the most though provided no other diagnosis.

I asked what I could do that would be safe and could help retain hair. She said there is never harm in Rogaine. I started that regimen on what was still a very think head of hair with thinning at the crown.

After about 5 days the sheds went from max 40 per day to literally handfuls of hair and it has gotten worse now that I am in week seven. Long think 5-8 inch hairs are falling like rain. The are all T hairs.

I don't know what to do. Stop now and hope I can return to the fast but in context acceptable look or continue to watch my hair become noticeable bald.

I wish I read more of the Rogaine posts before starting, Two hair seems, ranked doctor's in a major market reassured me that I could do no harm with Rogaine. At 300-400 hairs per shower I can't imagine what this will look like at the month 3 assessment. Next derm visit is in September.

Also doing Ketokonozal 2% 3/week. Paleo diet. Iron supplements (per doctor) and a Capillus 202 3/week.

I'm ready to stop all cold turkey accept the diet and iron.

The loss is diffuse and began 8/1/2016.

Please advise.

That's a f*****g joke or? Your hair is amazing for an 39 old guy.

I dont' see Androgenetic Alopecia just normal hairs.


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Be happy that the rogain shed is cause its working, now the shed might last for a while, Im panicking myself cause Im on week 4 and hair are shedding everywhere Im losing ALOT of density lol.

thinkiong of just buzzing it all for a while to forget about it


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Thank you. That beach photo was August 2016, since I've lost about 70% of the density and the Rogaine shed is making the loss far more progressive. I will try the hair density mapping this week, hope it's not too late to get that information. As I said this all came out of know where and the answers I have been getting from respected hair doctors has been inconsistent if not wrong.

How long will a Rogaine shed last? Heading into week 8. I am not on finasteride. What will the consequences be if I stopped 8 weeks in on the Rogaine after such heavy shedding?

Thank you for the response
If you have been on it 8 weeks and you quit it should not cause an issue if your hair looks like the one above. You have to realize minoxidil does the most on people with more hair loss than you have. I have been on and off minoxidil at least 10 times and I don't get a drastic shed if I quit. I get more of a shed when I go on it but then because I don't have major loss, I don't notice it too much. You can stop now if you want. I don't see 70 percent loss as you would show scalp all over when your hair is dry or wet. Don't take this the wrong way, but you may have BDD. I have it and I can't find any evidence of major hair loss with your photos. Can you show a photo currently with your hairline exposed totally. You are seeing minor hair loss due to aging as a major loss. So far you have not shown any photos showing real loss.


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I am in a state of utter panic. After my last derm visit 4/28. My female derm said she thought my issues were 15% MPD at the most though provided no other diagnosis.

I asked what I could do that would be safe and could help retain hair. She said there is never harm in Rogaine. I started that regimen on what was still a very think head of hair with thinning at the crown.

After about 5 days the sheds went from max 40 per day to literally handfuls of hair and it has gotten worse now that I am in week seven. Long think 5-8 inch hairs are falling like rain. The are all T hairs.

I don't know what to do. Stop now and hope I can return to the fast but in context acceptable look or continue to watch my hair become noticeable bald.

I wish I read more of the Rogaine posts before starting, Two hair seems, ranked doctor's in a major market reassured me that I could do no harm with Rogaine. At 300-400 hairs per shower I can't imagine what this will look like at the month 3 assessment. Next derm visit is in September.

Also doing Ketokonozal 2% 3/week. Paleo diet. Iron supplements (per doctor) and a Capillus 202 3/week.

I'm ready to stop all cold turkey accept the diet and iron.

The loss is diffuse and began 8/1/2016.

Please advise.

It takes a long time to see Minoxidil results, if it is doing anything at all. After 12 to 16 weeks, if you don't see improvement, it's doing NOTHING for you.


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Thanks all. I understand I have been lucky for my age. The aggressive onset and constant shed have significantly reduced my hair density in the 8 months since I noticed even normal thinning. If that rate seemed normal or less aggressive I'd be far less concerned. I have had hair could over 300 everybshower since begging Rogaine and fear I've done significant damage.

I'm still fortunate to have good density but the thinning is becoming noticeable. If Rogaine can help then I'll keep trying. I'm trying to get answers on the shed cycle. Is it true that no matter what the hair will only have 6 months of growth and be locked into a constant shed?

Attached is current dry hair. The part is wider and bald spot forming at crown. 8 months ago it was so dense I could barely get a comb through it.

Thanks for you support. I know we are dealing with different degrees of the same situation.

Is LLT worth trying?

8 weeks in the hair is thinner and the shedding is consistent at over 200 per day. I'm afraid of finasteride. Any advice? What's best case for diffuse thinning like this on finasteride and Rogaine? It's been less than 8 months.


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