Going Bald - Loosing Hair - Advice Centre


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Hello everybody,

I am a 22 year old male and I have set up a Bebo page to support baldness. For those of you who do not know its like myspace. I ahve set it up so younger people like myself who suffer or are interested to know more can have a safe non commercial dependant reference for male pattern baldness. Its particularly scarce (info) in Ireland, and I found for the last four years I have had a hard time researching.

I have had one surgery and in the lenght of time i researched surgeons etc I discovered pitfalls, regulatory trobles, even scammers and untrustworthys.

All I am saying is that I suffered emotionally for a long time before my op and would like to offer support to those who are going through it and advice even to overcome it...

I need your help to do so..


Thank you to everyone who reads this