going off propecia


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i started balding at 16, i'm now 24..... my hairloss has been so slow i still have a reasonable amount of hair on my head.

i was on propecia for almost a year, then i quit. i think it lowered the loss down a bit, but not worth all the weird sides. including lower libido, gynno, increased estrogen, wrinkly skin??, eyebrow shedds, and just a plain weird feeling of being a freak on it. i've been off propeecia for 2 weeks now, hairloss hasn't increased yet. maybe i'll get lucky.

now i'm on gods good will, im ready to be a bald f*** and spend my remaining days as a sex-free nerd on the comp.

good bye and god bless.


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Why give up?????? There are plenty of side-effect-free products available! Why not try revivogen or possibly fluridil??? I have been using revivogen for about three months now and my hair looks in better shape with a slowing of shedding. A little too early to see anything dramatic, but I'm staying positive. Fluridil seems to also be getting some good reviews! Why not go with revivogen and nizoral and see what happens.


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:shock: Wrinkles?!! Is this a confirmed side-effect? If it is,........ well, sh*t!


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im in the same boat you are ...i quit all my hairloss treatments and im doing the whole...."i dont give a f*** anymore"stage of my life.


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good to know im not alone... why give up? becacuse i honestly believe there is no effective cure, and i have yet to be proved otherwise.


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Your not alone. I have been off propecia for some time now and I just shaved my head again today. I just dont care about hair loss much anymore.

In a weird way its kinda liberating, but bittersweet. At least I have my health and thats the most important.

After everything I was using, I was still going bald, In time, you just kinda accept the inevitable.

I think the next best thing will be hair cloning, but I havent heard squat about that for awhile.

Anyway, good luck to the rest of you guys.


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Im glad to see theres some other people out there that know you dont need this stuff to live a normal life. Thank you for encouraging me not to be like the lifeless guys on this sight who live day by day just on if they've grown another hair.


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Im with Hairybrush on this one...im just waiting for 'the cure"whatever it will be to show up.Right now im working on getting my life straightened out not my hairloss.


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WiCkEdSiCk said:
Im glad to see theres some other people out there that know you dont need this stuff to live a normal life. Thank you for encouraging me not to be like the lifeless guys on this sight who live day by day just on if they've grown another hair.

That's a little harsh but to some degree you have a point. I can understand how a person that started losing hair would want to find hope that it may be possible to save what they are losing. That is what most people are looking for when they are noobs, just some hope that it will be ok from people that have already walked that mile.

In the end, it will be ok, hair or no hair. Im just glad that I started weight training years ago. It definatly helped with the look and my overall confidence. Everyone's different though, you just gotta channel all that fear into something positive.


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Getting off in is liberating.... I can't imagine how it would be to get off rogaine......


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I can't believe you'd give up at only 19 Matgallis. I mean it's one thing for a guy who's middle aged and fighting a losing battle to look around at other bald guys and just say "What the hell". But being only 21 and not knowing a single person my own age experiencing hairloss makes me determined to fight this to the bitter end. Barring serious sides I'll stick it out with the big-3 all the way to N-7. Even if all this time and money just gets crushed in the wheels, at least I'll know I did all I could and it was simply inevitable.


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I've been on finasteride for 0 months now and I don't notice a whole lot of change really, but I'm going to stick it out for the year at least. I haven't had any sides to speak of but I still not that found of taking a medication that effects hormones. I think hair cloning is the only way around this or else a hair transplant but as most of us know that we all only have limited donor hair and I guess you'd look pretty funny after a couple of years if your hairloss hasn't stabalized.
I'm starting to feel like some of you guys and just say f*** it and shave the head