Going to get my temples filled in... if possible?


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I am wanting to get my temples filled in, I am not 100% of the treatment but I think it's the one where they take thick follices from the back / sides of your head and place in the temples... my temples are not too bad but I am closing in on a NW2-2.5...

I can still cover them up quite well with longish hair and I have been on treatments now for a bit (minoxidil 2+ years, propecia 1+ years). There is definitely no hope of the meds filling them in as it is all at a stable stage, nothing has really changed for about a year now which I am quite pleased about but I now want to get them filled in, hopefully it will bring my confidence back.

So to cut a long boring story short... I am from the UK and wanting to get this done in the UK which I don't think you guys recommend, but what places could I enquire about in the UK? I really don't want to travel abroad, i don't have a big budget so I am hoping it doesn't price me out of getting it done,

Any help on places I can get it done in the UK would be fantastic.



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Thanks for all the replies, I am going to contact Farjo and see what they say...

Does anyone have any idea of time frame it takes to get something like this booked in and done? and approx costs if your around a NW2? just to get the temples filled in a little or as much as possible?
