Going to see doctor


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Hi. I'm 19 and I am balding; my fronthair line has been receding but now it looks like im getting a bald spot too. i can't believe this, age 19.

So Im going to go to a doctor next week here in Knoxville to see what they can do. I'm hoping I will be able to get Propecia or I will be very very upset.

Anyway, Hi.


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I don't see any reason why you shouldnt be able to get propecia. If hes says no for some reason, you can get it online for much cheaper without a prescription?

If you are over 18 then it shouldnt be a problem.


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Okay, for some reason my Mom said they would "laugh me out of there..." and was saying there was much worse things, blah blah blah....

I'm hoping so; because I sure don't want to be bald by the time i'm 21 - which im seeing more and more of... I think I waited too long, who knows...

Oh - and you said you can get it cheaper online then I would if i had a prescription? where?


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My mother told me i was a fool aswell and said that i was being an idiot. One of the doctors i went to told me that nobody went bald at 21(note, that i will never got to just 1 doctor about something, i will always seek a 2nd or 3rd opinino).....but another doctor explained that it was happening and that i could do various things to counteract it, but i should just accept it and get over it. However i did see a doctor and asked for a refferal to a dermatologist(the expert's in this field) and they explained that yes i did have the signs of male pattern baldness but they coudl see tiny hairs in my receding hairline so he told me to wiat for about 3 months and come back and if it's not any better i would get started on some treatments.

Anyway my point is that you should always seek 2nd and 3rd opinions and go to a dermatologist, and remeber it's you that may be going bald and NOT them, so make your own decision's and get educated on the matter


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Good advice all around...I went to a dermatologist this week for a followup visit on some lab work, and although it wasn't particularly enlightening, I think it's good to have that expert confirmation that one indeed has male pattern baldness before starting on a regimen.

My dermatologist, oddly enough, didn't seem that knowledgable about some of the products available for hair loss. He wasn't familiar with Nizoral as a member of the great trifecta of treatments, so I had to do a little educating. His lack of knowledge was a bit disconcerting at first, but he was extremely open to what I was saying and the treatments that I described. In the end, I felt almost as though I was basically telling him everything to prescribe me. This website was an amazing resource in the whole process. I had printed out the clinical trial analysis of Propecia's efficacy from .2 mg - 5 mg, and the doctor actually took it from me and read through it during the visit. He had no problem with me taking Propecia initially every other day or taking .5 mg every day.

BTW, if you feel informed enough, don't let the dermatologist dominate the visit with long-winded explanations about DHT and how it works. My Doctor tried to do that, and I had to sort of interject some of my concerns and let him know that he wasn't dealing with a complete hair loss neophyte. Especially if you're paying for a visit out of pocket (like I did), you don't need to waste your money on a Hair Loss 101 lecture. My advice is have a laundry list of substantive concerns and get his/her take on things like internals (supplements) and topicals or whatever interests you. Hopefully you'll be fortunate to either have a dermo who knows his stuff or one who is humble enough to let you dictate your own treatment plan. Good luck.


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Yes, Im going to try a dermatologist; there is two in my area I am going to call... I just don't want to be blown off and tell me whatever...

Even 3 months is too long I think I should of went a year ago.


Established Member
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man im 16 i cant believe this sh*t either!
good luck with getting more hair bro and watch out for the dermatologist.. the bastard i went to kept insisting that nothing was wrong with me and he put on rubber gloves and pulled out my hair and was like "see? your hair didn't fall out." and then he took my money :evil: