Going to try minoxidil, but please inform me of...


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Ok, Topicals don't interest me much since I invision greasy applications and residues mixed through my hair and onto my scalp, but there comes a time when your ready to give anything a go.

My hair is 2 to 3 inches long and I wear a spike/messed up sort of do which I quite like, but my problem is im diffusely thinning and I can now notice it quite well.

So I'm thinking how would I get good coverage with 1ml or even 2ml of minoxidil (Kirklands) considering I am diffusely thinning and that my hair isn't super short.

I seem to be under the impression that it will end up mostly in my hair than on my scalp.

Also how long before it dries? And am I able to put any products in my hair like hair spray?

Without hair spray (or wax; which is what I once used before my condition got worse) there is no way I can do my hair since it doesnt have any body or direction.

Considering my job in finance, wearing a hat is not optional. Its a fked situation.

Maybe applying minoxidil at night time would be ok? But then I'll dread a greasy pillow.


The Gardener

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One suggestion: Use greasy minoxidil at night, and use Dr Lee's in the am.

Second, when you apply minoxidil, wipe the sides of the dropper. I know it sounds like a small thing, but it really keeps a heck of a lot of it OUT of your hair.


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The Gardener said:
One suggestion: Use greasy minoxidil at night, and use Dr Lee's in the am.

Second, when you apply minoxidil, wipe the sides of the dropper. I know it sounds like a small thing, but it really keeps a heck of a lot of it OUT of your hair.

100% agree.

I've been using Rogaine in the evenings, the PPG-free (Dr. Lee) in the mornings.

It cuts down on cost... and it doesn't bother me too much.

ALWAYS wipe the applicator with a tissue or towel... it really makes for a CLEAN application.


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Ok, cool..

But why wouldn't you just use Dr Lee's AM or PM for the non-greasy factor? Is it pure cost based or is it effectiveness?

The Gardener

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Cost based...


I am going to go out on a limb here,

But for some reason I just have always had this "feeling" that the standard "Rogaine-like" formulation of minoxidil is slightly more effective.

Don't quote me on that, its not something I can quantifiably prove or stand behind, but after a few years of usage it is just a "hunch".