Good clippers?


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im tired of seein hair after fall out so im gonna either shave it completely or just give myself a really low close fade.

i saw some conair haircut kit things in cvs/walgreens for pretty cheap. i was wonderin if they were worth buying. dont need anything fancy just want to not worry about it tired of my hair (whats left of it at least) but not ready to shave off completely.

know about the andis t-outliner from someone who used to give me cuts and from the barber shop. its around $40 so im wonderin if its OD. also ive never cut my own hair before, how hard is it? maybe someone from an urban neighborhood can chime in lookin to give myself fades or tapers.

thanks in advance


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Wahl is the best for the money in my opinion. There's one for around $30 at Kmart and/or Walmart. I'd definitely go with that one.


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I bought a set of Andis and a set of Wahl over the past year. The Wahl clippers were much better than the Andis, which kind of sucked in my opinion. Go Walmart, you can get a good set of Wahl with tons of attachments for under 30 bucks as Renegade said.


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wahl is good but i doubt the $30 are too good. i wont step foot in a walmart either

which model is the wahl one? is it a kit or just a clipper? i did see a wahl one at was gold colored. the best ive heard is andis t-outliner. i probably only need something very basic, just to shave it down low.

so conair are no good? something like these ... N+HC200ECS ... R=GROOMING

dont really know the difference between those 2 or which is better

or they have even cheaper ones....10 piece kit for 12.99


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My Regimen
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I'd go for Whal. The do various models, but generally the heavier in weight the better - too light weight and the more difficult to control they are. Go for a mid-priced one.

Buy them from a hairdressing wholesaler if you can (ask a local hair salon for an outlet). You can also buy replacement blades anyway, but if they're just for you to use then that should never be an issue - unless you drop them and damage the blades!


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tiredofloss said:
wahl is good but i doubt the $30 are too good. i wont step foot in a walmart either

which model is the wahl one? is it a kit or just a clipper? i did see a wahl one at was gold colored. the best ive heard is andis t-outliner. i probably only need something very basic, just to shave it down low.

so conair are no good? something like these ... N+HC200ECS ... R=GROOMING

dont really know the difference between those 2 or which is better

or they have even cheaper ones....10 piece kit for 12.99

So you doubt that a 30 dollar set of Wahl clippers is any good, yet you're looking at a 13 dollar set of Conair clippers. I don't get it.


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And why won't you set foot in a Walmart? I mean, I don't like them either for vairous socio-political reasons. But, when push comes to shove I will go there every now and then. Moreover, the Wahl brand is at least American-made and has a long-standing reputation for quality (unlike that POS Conair).

Yes, that kit the above poster is referring to is the one to get. When I bought it from K-Mart it was actually on sale for around $20, but ever since then it has been about $30. This is still a damn good price for what you get though.

If you can find a wholesaler that would sell it to you for less than $30, that would be fine, but it may be more of a hassle (esp. if there is a K-Mart/Walmart close by).

It's your decision though man, I just try to give the same advice that I would want someone to give me.


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Philips do some good ones they quick and easy and you dont have to keep changing the head for different grades!! also they made one with a swivvle head now so you can do the back of your own head :)


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i wont go into why i hate walmart here but i dont like their business policies, they contribute to sprawl, and i also dont live near them (dont own a car)

anways, there are a bunch of different kits on wahl's website. there are 2 gold ones 1 called the balder and 1 called the classic fader. both seems virtually the same and cost around $40

are there wholesale places online or can you get wholesale prices at beauty supply stores? i actually live right next to a beauty supply store.

i also checked out andis website and theres a cordless fade 18 piece kit...suggested price is a lil more at $53.88 but im sure i could find it cheaper. theres the power fader for 40 and a chrome clipper hair cut kit (model MC-2) for less than 30. in the professional section they have the ultra series, ceramic PMX, and elevate speedmaster which are all 30-40 bucks.

so many choices i dont know which one