Good news for hairloss sufferers


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According to London Centre of Trichology, if you have managed to keep a good amount of hair by the time you are thirty, hair loss will slow down dramatically. Here is an excerpt from their site:

The levels of production of testosterone gradually diminish throughout an individuals lifetime at a fairly standard rate. Because of this, the older the man the less testosterone he has to be converted by 5-alpha-reductase in the hair follicle and the slower the effective rate of hair loss. More simply, the longer you keep your hair, the less the risk of losing it. As a good general rule, if a man still has more than half of his hair left on the top of his head by the age of thirty, he will never become completely bald on top, although the hair will continue to thin with age.

Also, they state the importance of locally acting anti androgen i.e. spironolactone. They are implying that such drugs could be a real breakthrough because minoxidl is only successful with 2-10% of cases (cosmetic regrowth). Here is an excerpt from their site:

Secondly the alternative hope lies in finding an externally applied and locally acting anti androgen to neutralise the effect of testosterone in the hair follicles only.


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Crap, my hairloss actually statred to speed up when I turned thirty!

I started losing my hair probably in my late teens (mainly a receding hairline) and very slowly progressed. By the end of college (23 years old) I was about a NW2, but thick. Then my loss seemed to stabilize for several years (with no treatment) and I didnt think about my hair too much. I was crossing my fingers I just had a "mature hairline" and it wasn't going to get worse. Around my 30th birthday, I noticed my hairline was getting higher and the top frontal area which had always been thick, was starting to become see-through, but it still looked pretty good. Unfortunately, I've lost alot of my hair the last three years (i'm 33 now) and now I'm becoming a thinner NW3. Even though I've been loosing hair since my teens, only until recently (within the last year) have I been getting comments about my thinning hair, so my loss has definitely increased since I turned 30. No way is this a mature hairline: I'm officially balding!

I just started propecia so I hope Ill at least keep what I have because I'm too fair skinned (dont tan at all) to shave down completely.


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I guess that's good news but it's going to be so stressful now to hope I can outrace my hair loss to thirty.


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Theres something funky about LCT's statement. It sounds logical, but it just doesnt seem to be the case.


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Therotically, what the LTC are saying should be true but there will be cases where this does not apply. Chavo doesn't count because who knows what (steroids) they (wrestlers) use.

The second point about anti-androgen is fascinating. On that basis, there is a strong case for something like spironolactone. Its also interesting that many studies have claimed nizarol is equivelant of minoxidil 2%. But they are not sure how it thickens hair and stops hair loss. it could be that nizarol is a more potent anti-androgen than we previously thought. It perhaps neuralises the effect of testosterone more vigerously than given credit for.


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Trichologist's arent even doctors.............