Good News!


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My itching (from minoxidil) is almost gone....

I dont know because my head is used to it (i'm using it almost two months now) Or because i've started using it two times aday....

Everymorning I sneak away to the toilet and put some minoxidil on at work....

Hardly no itching anymore, well sometimes but not that bad that i wake up.....

One question tho

I had some pretty bad shedding and i can sure notice it, will my hair eventually will be the same as before the shedding or even better?

I have the feeling that it is because of the shedding you guys book such noticable results.......

Let me know (please)



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You read the whole story you might as well answer the question.

Just answer it based on experience or whatever...



Experienced Member
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Yes,. early minoxidil shedding with controlled scalp health generally = results.

Btw, your topic is reminicient of the Geico commercials..

"Good news!"

"What, did they find a cure for hairloss? Figure out follicle cloning? OSH101 is hitting the market?"

"No! My itching is gone!"

Greeeeaaaat :roll:


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Ofcourse them good old Geico commercials........



Anyway I just wanted to let people know that for me twice a day is better for my scalp then just once a day.....

Although i lost quite a few hairs, but i do have the feeling that at the moment less hair is falling out...

Let's hope for the best...

The Gardener

Senior Member
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The shedding is a good sign, James. Just stick with it. The initial itching, then the shedding... all very stereotypical signs of minoxidil taking root. Stick with it!

I predict that next you will start seeing new hair 'sprouts' in your balding areas. Then, in a few haircuts or so you will notice a marked increase in the speed that your existing hair grows in at. Then you will know that you are truly a responder, and that happier days are on their way. It takes six to eight months or so before you look before the mirror and say to yourself 'hey, this sh*t is really working'.


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I sure hope so...

My hair does feel better, altho that good be the shampoo as well.

The pictures that i have from 2 months ago are quite shocking when you see how many hairl i've lost . I suddenly realized why smebody's name on the forum is: A hole in the head.......

But we we'll see I can always shave it all of anyway.....

Fingers crossed!
