Good results after a huge shed and thinnning?


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What up Felllas,

Tony Montana here....has anyone seen a huge regrowth after a 3 month shed which included thinning up front? Anyone?


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dude, seems like you are getting anxious and nervous like me that these damn pills just don't what they are meant to............


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been on proscar almost 6 months. my hair was good before i started it. now it's at its worst on the hairline. it's good for the crown but my hairline is now sh*t. and yes i use minoxidil too


I getting sick of worrying about my hair. My girlfriend has asked me to cut it short. So I think I will do that at some point.


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i want to shave mine number 2 or even 1 on top. but i'm scared the thinning will show in the front. all i do is worry..probably like most of you. i always think how any day now it'll be impossible to conceal. it sucks..but what are you going to do i guess


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Im getting to the point where my hair is getting thin up front so now its hard to comb it like I used to. Its getting frustrating cause soon I will have to cut it short. :-( Oh I miss my thick hair, what I wouldn't do to have it back. I guess its just keeping our fingers crossed and hope for the best. My shed has slowed down, but I just want a regrowth. I was under the impression that Propecia helped you keep what you had when you "started" the treatment. Freaking crap, please grow hair GROW :freaked2:


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hopewas said:
i want to shave mine number 2 or even 1 on top. but i'm scared the thinning will show in the front. all i do is worry..probably like most of you. i always think how any day now it'll be impossible to conceal. it sucks..but what are you going to do i guess

Those are my feelings exactly. After shedding for two straight months my hair is now at an all time low. Because it's still a little long I have to spend a while styling it so that my hairloss remains concealed. I think eventually I'm going to have to say f*** it and shave it knowing that it could very well look terrible. I'm just tired of shedding. Everything was starting to look so promising and now I just feel hopeless.

Kevin fretwell

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Hay guys look at it this way . You could be like me and have hardly any hair . I can't remember the last time I had not worn a cap outside the house because of the forever bad hair days . The guys who have been on the treatments for a year have got to start posting or all us newbees are going to die of stress over if its working .finasteride has definitely helped me with hairloss but now it remains to be seen if it will replace but I do have more hairline than I did so its promising .Remember to not judge the treatment untill a year has gone by and even then some don't respond until about year #2 so lets chill out aye .


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Kevin fretwell said:
. The guys who have been on the treatments for a year have got to start posting or all us newbees are going to die of stress over if its working ..

It's nearly pointless to mention your own succes!

On your reply you get panic replies to where people didn't pay attention to anything you typed and people demand proof via pictures(pretty much calling you a liar). Or someone tries to debunk what you said by some paranoid post they read elsewhere.

But mainly, the success stories are hardly read and drop after 4 or 5 replies. People acting like people crave negative news.

Anyone that has been here for 4 months knows there are tons of success stories! It's the folks who read a panic post, then irrationally evauate their own situation, then write their own horror story, then it starts over and over again.

Some of my own personal all time favorite panic posts are........

Propecia is making my dick smaller
finasteride is making me blind
I just popped my first pill and hour ago and I am shedding
(Sorry Deaner, this one is yours :) )

The best success stories are the vast majority of people we never hear about who simply pop their finasteride and never have read a hairloss forum.


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Amen to that. We do over analyze the negative and disregard the positive as impossible. I m guilty of it and so are many of us on this forum, but with that comes learning which is what I think most of us are here for. Anyways, lets just hope that I dont go blind and my dick gets smaller :D



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LoL, yea, I pulled some dumb sh*t in the beginning, pretty new to this stuff, I've learned to sit back and be patient now though :) Lots of over-analysis (understatement) in the beginning, at that point I was so strung out over losing my hair that I was just pumped up to be on meds and potentially regain some of what was lost. I'm sure we've all been there at one point or another, glad that after 5 weeks I can just sorta sit back and relax and wait now :)


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LOL! Guilty as charged when it comes to panic.

Spend most of my day looking (thinking about) at my hair. I am a graphic designer and therefore not around mirrors all day but it still amazes me how many solutions I can come up with to check out my hair and the quality of it. I found ways like checking the other side of CD's open door and different angles - If I was only as creative as this when it comes to my work lately :)

It's also funny I never seem to learn: yesterday my hair was a bit greasy and therefore looked very thin - I was in shock and tears. Today I washed my hair with Nizoral which makes my hair appear really thick and I'm thinking "it's not so bad after all". Good and bad days and it's always the same - I'll never learn!