Good results!


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Just wanted to let you folks know that in addition to taking Propecia, three weeks ago I added the following to my daily regimen:

500mg MSM
315mg Green Tea Extract
100mg Grapeseed Extract
500mg L-Lysine (thinking about dropping, not sure about side effects)
500mg Vitamin B-Complex

I have to say that my hair has been growing rediculously fast. Not sure if there is any new grouth (only been 3 weeks) but it has been growing and growing and growing. I'm always pissing "radiated-yellow" but I guess thats just the extra B vitamins coming out. I also have Nizoral, but I use it maybe once a week (makes my hair go super frizz).

Anyway, just figured I'd share. If my hair is growing so fast I can only assume it's being healthy and thats a step in the right direction. I'll post a few months down the road to let you know if there is any new growth.


If your piss is yellow then that means you are not drinking enough water!


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traxdata said:
If your piss is yellow then that means you are not drinking enough water!

yeah I agree...I take mega doses of B vitamins and also drink copious amounts of pee is nearly always clear.


Nope, your piss is that yellow because of the b-complex, like you said.

Same happaned to me.

As soon as I strated them, my piss turned that horrible kind of yellow.

Jack sh*t to do with water.


Gunner said:
Nope, your piss is that yellow because of the b-complex, like you said.

Same happaned to me.

As soon as I strated them, my piss turned that horrible kind of yellow.

Jack sh*t to do with water.

This can also be a cause!


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Well, it has been another few weeks since I last updated and I have to let everyone know that I AM indeed seeing new "stray" hairs pop up where my old hairline used to be. About 15 new hairs in all, and I say they are new because they are the shorter than the rest of my hair and appropriate to the duration I have been on the vitamins. They are also substatially thicker than the rest of my hair, albeit a few shades darker.
It's much more difficult to detect any new growth elswhere on my scalp because I have no blad spots, just diffused thinning.
I am curious if anyone else on the boards are on the same regimen and experiencing similar results.


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Gunner has a point but the most common reason why your piss is yellow is traxdata said......your dehydrated and need to drink more water instead of drinking carbinated sodas or very acidic juices.


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I take a multi-vitavin and not long after my first piss is very yellow, and it can't be dehydraytion cause I drink lots of water. I've heard it's due to the fact my body is not absorbing all of the nutrients in the vitamin.


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Im just saying that a BIG reason why peoples piss is yellow is because of dehydration...i didnt say that was necessarily the problem with you.

Also people who say water doesnt matter .....
go drink a whole 2 liter of coke then wash that down with a half gallon of tropicana............take a piss.........then come back and tell me that doesnt have anything to do with water.


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Were going off on a tangent, but...
The reason I'm pissing yellow has very little (not nothing though) to do with how much water I am drinking. It turns out that ingesting nearly 2000% of the daily value of the entire vitamin-B complex is the reason my urine is yellow - rather neon yellow. Water certainly is a factor, but I drink almost 6 bottles of water per day and I still have the same color for the first 2 or 3 times I piss each day. What is turning my urine that abnormal yellow is excess and unused vitamins.