Goodbye Twinkies


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Hostess, the makers of Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Wonder Bread, is going out of business after striking workers failed to heed a Thursday deadline to return to work, the company said.

“We deeply regret the necessity of today’s decision, but we do not have the financial resources to weather an extended nationwide strike,” Hostess CEO Gregory F. Rayburn said in announcing that the firm had filed a motion with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court to shutter its business. “Hostess Brands will move promptly to lay off most of its 18,500-member workforce and focus on selling its assets to the highest bidders.”
Brilliant move..Union and workers. Now you don't even have the jobs :doh: Ya know what..the Unions should start up their own dang company(ies) and just pay everyone what they want- see how long they last.

In an interview with Fox Business, CEO Gregory Rayburn said many workers had already crossed picket lines this week to go back to work despite warnings by union leadership that they'd be fined.

I applaud those workers..who know who they REALLY work for :bravo:

I'm sure Twinkies will remain...or come back eventually. I'll stock up since they last forever..right?


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Brilliant move..Union and workers. Now you don't even have the jobs :doh: Ya know what..the Unions should start up their own dang company(ies) and just pay everyone what they want- see how long they last.

I applaud those workers..who know who they REALLY work for :bravo:

I'm sure Twinkies will remain...or come back eventually. I'll stock up since they last forever..right?


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People are selling Twinkies on Ebay. There is currently a bit of over $150 for 3 boxes. (30 Twinkies)


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Ya know what..the Unions should start up their own dang company(ies) and just pay everyone what they want- see how long they last.

You mean, like a worker cooperative?

Back in the early 1980s, the former Secretary of State for Education in Harold Wilson’s Labour government, Shirley Williams, alerted me to a remarkable instance of regional economic development through employee empowerment, centred on Mondragon in the Basque region of Spain.

***or, Spain’s largest manufacturer of domestic appliances (and also part of the Mondragon cooperative), has successfully managed down production by 30 to 40% in the face of a precipitous contraction of the consumer durables market.

Faced in the aftermath of the global financial crisis with circumstances — where unemployment nationally is in excess of 25% and 53% among young peopleMondragon has demonstrated impressive resilience in helping keep jobless levels in the Basque region to under half the national average.

The essentials of the Mondragon story are simple. What arose in 1956 as a handful of workers in a disused factory, using hand tools and sheet metal to make oil-fired heating and cooking stoves is today a massive conglomerate of some 260 manufacturing, retail, financial, agricultural, civil engineering and support co-operatives and associated entities, with jobs for 83,800 workers, and annual sales in excess of $US20 billion.

As equal co-owners of their workplaces, members enjoy job security together with individual capital holdings, equal sharing of profits on a proportionate basis and an equal ‘one-member one vote’ say in their governance.

I applaud those workers..who know who they REALLY work for

they work for thepeople who keep their wages low, keep their working conditions poor and then blame them for management's poor performance when the business goes under.


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Yep, mutualist libertarian socialist projects tend to do pretty well in Europe. And I suppose in South America.

The political climate in the United States is pretty hostile to such things which is why I suspect few such experiments arise here. Only one I know of specifically was Josiah Warrens planned community which was based on labor credits in the 1800s (I think).


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Law, there was an interesting article in the NYT a few months back about co-ops over there in the US. It looks like they may be growing:

Some 130 million Americans, for example, now participate in the ownership of co-op businesses and credit unions. More than 13 million Americans have become worker-owners of more than 11,000 employee-owned companies, six million more than belong to private-sector unions.....Moreover, this year some 14 states began to consider legislation to create public banks similar to the longstanding Bank of North Dakota;


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People are selling Twinkies on Ebay. There is currently a bit of over $150 for 3 boxes. (30 Twinkies)

This is ****ing awesome!!:D


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Unions suck. They are killing jobs. There's nothing complicated about it. you really need someone holding your hand and babysitting you to get a better wage and everything else that goes along with a job and getting a job- or a better job? It's pathetic. Do you know how many ppl would kill for such a job, especially these days?? Then there's the issue of the union dues :doh:

HughJass..yeah "cooperatives". Let's see the union bosses around here do that..along with all the union workers. Leave those companies and go from there.

The timing couldn't have been better :cool:


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Unions suck. They are killing jobs. There's nothing complicated about it. you really need someone holding your hand and babysitting you to get a better wage and everything else that goes along with a job and getting a job- or a better job? It's pathetic. Do you know how many ppl would kill for such a job, especially these days?? Then there's the issue of the union dues :doh:

HughJass..yeah "cooperatives". Let's see the union bosses around here do that..along with all the union workers. Leave those companies and go from there.

The timing couldn't have been better :cool:

The fact that management helped run the company into the ground repeatedly with retarded business decisions is the union's fault? Did you even read the article? Did you read what some of the executives were getting paid while they ran this company into the ground?

But right lets all demonize the union :doh: There was plenty of blame to go around. Union ****ed up. Management ****ed up. People like you who just stick to whatever the party line on everything is are so annoying. Of course since you're a Republican you'll just single out everything the union did and ignore all the idiotic moves by management


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Wow..executives were getting paid a lot of money? You mean like the Solyndra's of Obma's world? The fact remains that the unions wouldn't agree to the concessions that would have kept things going. I'm actually surprised Obama didn't step in and bail them out, like GM. I guess that's him picking winners and losers.

And for a second there I thought I was responding to know..the "party line" thing? :crazy:


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Since the 80s executive pay has risen several hundred percent. Am I to believe that in this time period executives value actually increased by this much? LOL nope, they just arbitrarily decide to allocate a greater slice of the pie to themselves because they can. Real wages have continued to decline while the executive pay continues to rise.


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lol nice job Jacob. When somebody proved you wrong you just continued your tirade against unionism, exposing yourself as a hollow idealogue.

Are you a worker Jacob? Do you identify with the working class or with the managerial class?


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:doh: asked me if I am a "worker". I am a "worker" with my hands...when not sitting in the office(still working, of course). Now go ahead and ask me if I'm an employee.

And you're getting funnier every day. I have "hatred" for unions, who....well I'm not even going to say it. Let's just say I love regular workers..although I even praised, in this thread, those union workers who crossed the picket line and went back to work- because they had the brains to know they'd be OUT of work if it kept up.

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Yet some more on (non)workers:


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Yes you love the type of workers who side with management who keep pay low and working conditions poor while they run the company into the ground, we got that.


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Jacob maybe if you have time later you can finally get around to reading that article I linked. Some of the incompetence in the people running Hostess is truly laughable.
Here's some highlights:

Management promised to turn around the company's fortunes through innovation and workplace efficiency. It tried a limited-edition return of original banana-cream Twinkies and published The Twinkies Cookbook, which included such half-baked epicurean delights as Twinkie Sushi and Pigs in a Twinkie. But ancient delivery trucks and plant equipment didn't get replaced. The company's pricing often didn't keep pace with that of competitors.

Some unsecured creditors had informed the court that last summer -- as the company was crumbling -- four top Hostess executives received raises of up to 80%.

I can imagine that meeting:

"Hey, this company is hemorrhaging money what should we do?"

"I know...lets give ourselves huge bonuses!!"

Read the part where the writer describes some of the executive shennanigans by saying:

Abbott and Costello couldn't have made this stuff up if they'd gone to Wharton.

At least do me a favor and gloss over this stuff real quick.


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Yes you love the type of workers who side with management who keep pay low and working conditions poor while they run the company into the ground, we got that.

Awwwwwww...I'm tearing up here. As I said..there are many many ppl who would kill for such jobs these days. But is the case many times- thanks to unions..those jobs are gone.

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Jacob maybe if you have time later you can finally get around to reading that article I linked. Some of the incompetence in the people running Hostess is truly laughable.
Here's some highlights:

I can imagine that meeting:

"Hey, this company is hemorrhaging money what should we do?"

"I know...lets give ourselves huge bonuses!!"

Read the part where the writer describes some of the executive shennanigans by saying:

At least do me a favor and gloss over this stuff real quick.

I've already commented on that. I've also said- the unions were the ones in the end that killed it..and that let those clowns start up their own businesses and pay killer wages and benefits etc- see how long they last. Do you think the unions are blameless? What about the Solyndra's of Obama's world? They couldn't make it even with gov't help...and I seem to recall executives getting plenty of $..even after they fried up.