got my third Blood test results - T levels


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So when my sides hit me I ran to the doctor and got blood work to check my T levels.
I was at like 350 which my Doctor said was in the normal range. I knew it was not right for me BUT I never checked them before finasteride. One of my hair transplant consults told me "no way" that is WAY low for you.
As sides started to subside I went and got another one and it was at like 450.
I went to my docs yesterday and told him I want to get another. Been almost like 7 months off. I asked him my number to my last one which was after the 450 but I never got the numbers for it. 580!

You tell me this stuff doesnt mess with your body. 350 TO 580 in a few months and I dont doubt since a couple months passes since it will be even higher with this last one.

Watch this stuff, MAKE SURE you get tested before you start and monitor it from there on.


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That is good news. I know you were thinking about a 4th run at it. I would encourage you to stay off now. I hope you are feeling better.


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That is good news. I know you were thinking about a 4th run at it. I would encourage you to stay off now. I hope you are feeling better.

Yeah I cant do it. I say I honestly believe its like sending your body into a steroid high to crash.
You start taking it and feel GREAT until your t shuts down. Im just glad I didnt get man boobs.


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finasteride doesn't lower your T levels. You weren't very clear with your story. You stopped finasteride and T went up? You continued finasteride and after a while it went up?


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finasteride doesn't lower your T levels. You weren't very clear with your story. You stopped finasteride and T went up? You continued finasteride and after a while it went up?

Sorry I have posted around and my links in my sig say the whole story BUT what it appears is

Started finasteride
I felt like I was in my twenties. My member was like on roids. Always looked like its was at a semi. Thicker and hung lower. My energy level was better, my moods were great. It was seriously the way people talk about getting Tbooster shots in their later ages.
Then after 8 months BAM. Almost over night everything changed. MY sides were crazy. They were mental, sexual and physical.
I ran to get blood work. MY t Levels were very low. Now after stopping finasteride for like 8 months, they are continuously raising.
To me for "some" people I think finasteride raises T levels for a bit, but eventually your body crashes as if you are over pumping steroids.
Believe me or not but 3 times on and off and I got the same sides.


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fourth blood work done

580 to 586

not a huge jump almost not worth mentioning but shows its still rising or at least leveling out since stopping finasteride.