Got RU58841 from Aliexpress - fake as FUK?


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Hi guys, I'm back after awhile, have been away from the forums for a long time. Anyways, back in the day, RU was incredibly expensive. But now RU (or at least what is advertised as RU) is like $100 for a KG of the stuff on Aliexpress.

So I ordered some. Arrived as expected.

So I tried mixing it in various things. Both a 100% Everclear (95% ethanol) solution, as well as a 70% Everclear / 30% proplene glycol solution. I tried mixing up a 2.5% solution in each. But no dice, it did not even come CLOSE to dissolving in either solution at even 2.5%. When its supposed to be soluble in either to 5%+. I tried shaking the stuff hard, stirring the stuff, waited for days, nothing works, just tons of non-dissolved "RU" at the bottom of the cup, not dissolving.

Is the stuff fake? That's all I can figure.

Thanks for any help!