GP doesn't want to prescribe finasteride


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Went to see a GP today. Told her I was prescribed finasteride by a derma 3 months ago and asked for another 3 months. She insisted I go back to the derma for a prescription. What's wrong with these people? I wasted my time and now I'm going to waste some money for a 2 minute appointment.


f@*K 'em, get it online, if you get proscar you mau end up paying even less than your prescribed propecia.

Damn doctors....why I oughta'......


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Some Dr's are just plain assholes. They don't care that their patient has to take time off to go to them and. If you're lucky enough to have insurance it usually requires you to have an appointment with your GP in order to get a refferal for a Dermatologist.
Your Dr could have easily called your derm to make sure it was ok to give you a script and you could have returned at your convenience to pick it up.


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She's probably following the protocol that the original prescribing doctor has become the "point of contact" for propecia, and he is the one "following you" on the treatment and therefore there is an unspoken liability there for him. He's the one who originally prescribed it and so he's taking responsibility for you while on it. That was probably her logic.


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What you should of done is never told her that you already had some, she would of most likely given you some free samples and a 6 month prescription. :)



Established Member
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I doubt. She said she has never heard of the use of finasteride in treating hairloss!


Experienced Member
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She sounds like an idiot, as are most gatekeeper doctors these days. If you went to her with a bloody stump for a leg she would say rest and see if it gets better.

All those referring GP's do is turn people down for medical services. I know, I sufferred needlessly one due to one. Thats why I get a PPO now, which costs more than an HMO but you can see whatever doctor you want including specialists without a referral.