GQ magazine, nothing but Norwood Zeros


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Anyone else get tired of the fact that every single god damn model on the cover of GQ Magazine has a perfect hairline. Even a Norwood 1.5 is not allowed on their covers. This pisses me off. Are Norwood 2s really that hideous that they lose model status automatically?

Considering that most guys have some sort of hairloss, how about a picture of some Norwood 2 and Norwood 3 models on the cover of a magazine for a change?


I don´t know about GQ magazine but there are definetly balding males who are considered sex symbols. Kelly Slater, Freddie Ljungberg, Jude Law or Matthew McConaughey come to my mind. Even David Beckham is a Norwood 1.5. A thick Norwood 2 isn´t that bad yet, just when it gets past NW3 you have a problem......I don´t know how I could deal with this. :shock:


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I was never a nw1 my hairline even as a child was high and curved like a nw2. IMO a lot of grown men nw2's look better than nw1's. Nw2 looks more masculine.


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s.a.f said:
I was never a nw1 my hairline even as a child was high and curved like a nw2. IMO a lot of grown men nw2's look better than nw1's. Nw2 looks more masculine.
as long as it dosent involve thininig though


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they're just pretty boys.

why are you getting so upset about a magazine cover?

the photos are all doctored as well as having hundreds of shoots and expensive lighting.

how do you know they're not wig wearers?....see a recent thread on sean connery wearing a rug for even the first bond movie.

honestly, even i could be made to look good with the makeover tools available to the magazines.

but you're's like anything less than your hairline joined onto your eyebrows is unacceptable.

magazines have always peddled unreal trash.


s.a.f said:
I was never a nw1 my hairline even as a child was high and curved like a nw2. IMO a lot of grown men nw2's look better than nw1's. Nw2 looks more masculine.

A NW2 hairline only looks good, when the rest of the hair is thick. Take a look at the recent Johnny Knoxville thread for instance. With thinning hair like mine everything looks like total crap.


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ginald said:
they're just pretty boys.

why are you getting so upset about a magazine cover?

True, I certainly wouldnt want to look like a backstreet boy or something lol. They aint real men :lol:


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The freddie Ljungberg example is a good one, since he is an obviously balding male who did better than just appear on the cover of a pretentious and boring magazine, he was on fifty foot high billboards for months in his underwear in virtually every American and English city promoting the worlds most popular male underwear brand.


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ginald said:
they're just pretty boys.

This is truer than you imagine.
Believe it or not many of the models on these magazine covers and advertising the big brand names such as Ralph Lauren, Hugo Boss, Burberry and the aftershave ads etc are actually boys in their late teens even though the ads are intended for the 18 - 35 yr old market. How do I know? My sisters boyfreind was a model for many of these companies campaigns in the 90's he began aged 15 and gave it up aged 19. A 6 foot teenager in a suit can easily pass for a 20 something.


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s.a.f said:
I was never a nw1 my hairline even as a child was high and curved like a nw2. IMO a lot of grown men nw2's look better than nw1's. Nw2 looks more masculine.

I was probably born a Norwood 3A. I showed a pic a me when I was about 11 to my friend from grad school and he said "damn, have you always had a receeded hairline?"..

Anyways, but guys, come on, this thread sounds like chicks whining about women in women's magazines being thin. Funny, because you can control your weight, but not your hairloss..

Remember, anything that reminds a woman of herself is a turnoff for her. They want to date men, not have you as her girlfriend.


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I dont know why Beckham comes on the conversation about hairloss when his hair is great. Even he can use it longer something that most of us would look awful and disease like.


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Oh gawd! It's going NW3 GQ all the way!


To me isn´t a THICK NW3 at all. In the pic with his buzzcut his thinning is very obvious.


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not really you cant see his scalp through it. His hairline is nw2.5 imo, I'd be satisfied with that hair if I could maintain it. No woman would consider that as bad.


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s.a.f said:
not really you cant see his scalp through it. His hairline is nw2.5 imo, I'd be satisfied with that hair if I could maintain it. No woman would consider that as bad.

To women that would just appear as a receeding hairline. In fact, to most non-balding people it would appear that way. Id be perfectly happy with a hairline like that. Dosnt really look like a 3 IMO


for me he is a Norwood 2. dunno. is that really a Norwood 3? i dunno so much about hairlines and which Norwood they are since my main problem is thinning.