Graft Estimate? Norwood 2.5 With Diffuse Thinning.


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For those who have an eye for it, how many grafts do you think I'd need to get to about where I made the line? I was strongly considering going the transplant route, but after research have decided to wait at least a year and start propecia. Thinking (hoping) it will halt further loss and maybe even thicken and add density to what I have. So assuming my hairline is roughly where it's at in a years time, how many grafts would I be looking at?


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For those who have an eye for it, how many grafts do you think I'd need to get to about where I made the line? I was strongly considering going the transplant route, but after research have decided to wait at least a year and start propecia. Thinking (hoping) it will halt further loss and maybe even thicken and add density to what I have. So assuming my hairline is roughly where it's at in a years time, how many grafts would I be looking at?
2500 to 3000 grafts if you are talking about both sides.


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Yeah don't jump the gun in scheduling a transplant. I booked a transplant shortly after starting meds, and ended up getting good cosmetic growth from meds, pulled out of the transplant and lost some cash on the deposit.

Your hair doesn't look that bad from right here


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I'm very glad I did my research and found sites like this one. I've been thinking daily about a transplant. Deciding to hold off and go the med route first is obviously the way to go. But it's always nice to know the possible costs in the future.


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lol no doctor will lower your hairline that low unless of course they dont care about your future, and how goofy you will look once you bald. At that point, with a hairline that low you wont be able to even cover let alone address your future areas if you experience a higher norwood.

Where your forelock is, that's where you can expect to have your hairline.

the only people who seem to get hairline lowering are those who are destined to be a NW2-3... Anyone in the advance category.. not a chance.


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For those who have an eye for it, how many grafts do you think I'd need to get to about where I made the line? I was strongly considering going the transplant route, but after research have decided to wait at least a year and start propecia. Thinking (hoping) it will halt further loss and maybe even thicken and add density to what I have. So assuming my hairline is roughly where it's at in a years time, how many grafts would I be looking at?
How old are you?