grape seed extract; who is on it and what does it do?


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i was in the local vitamin shop and that was their "spotlight vitamin of the month." it was very expensive ($30) for a little bottle. ive heard about it on here a few times and am interested in what it is used for. any info about this product would be apreciated. thank.


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wtf? $30, i hope that is not US funds. I usually can find it for $10-$15 Canadian, and thats like $7-$10 US. In fact i just bought 6 bottles on blowout for $4.50 CAD each.
Basically its a great antioxident, which also has been shown to cause hair to grow out faster (i beleive so at least). Basically combined with MSM my hair grows super fast.


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if there's a walmart near you, you should be able to get a month supply for less than $5. i was on it for awhile, but had to stop because i have odd white blood cells, and it effected and slowed down the clotting time of my blood. i'm trying green tea extract at the moment in place of it.


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nikeaddict said:
cool, so its good for hair? what else does it do? thanks

Grapeseed is extremely helpfull for cardio. I use it because I still smoke(trying to quit), it is also a powerfull anti-oxident. As far as hair goes, I doubt you will see any benefits. 100mg is the RDA.