Gray Hair

The Traveler

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Not related to hair loss, but damn, I have many gray hairs (I'm 26). Any suggestions out there in terms of supplements/vitamins, etc.? I don't think stress is a factor.


The Gardener

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I have heard anecdotally (unscientifically) that copper peptides might help with that.

Other than that, there was a very recent scientific study saying that stress and nutrition have a very large role in determining the rate of greying.

The Traveler

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Thanks bro, I'm using Am Crew Cu Peptides, so I'll see if this works.

The Traveler

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Ty, if I took out all the gray hairs, I'd be Norwood 4, lol


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people that go grey early, typically don't lose their hair, if my hair was greying i would be extremely happy.


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that's totally going off my own observation. everyone i know that went grey really early in life, always kept their hair. i relaly don't know anyone who did this and had much male pattern baldness. just an observation, not really a "scientific fact"


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I'm 48 and have a few grey hairs, more in my beard than on my head. Right now there are two approaches. You can dye your hair, or you can use products such as Grecian Formula, which aren't dyes, but which do get rid of grey. I use a product called Youth Hair, which has the same ingredients as Grecian Formula but is less expensive. These products work very well for most people. They restore your hair to its natural color, complete with highlights and the way it normally looks.

Do a google search and you will be able to read a lot more about these products.

There is also a product called Melancor which supposedly works in a similar fashion, but it is a supplement. It is much more expensive and slower-acting, if it works at all. I'm trying it too, but I'm pretty skeptical of it.

The Traveler

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Thanks for your advice man. Quick question folks, do you think using something like Grecian Formula would interfere with topicals (e.g., Rogaine) being used as a hair loss regimen?


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The Traveler said:

Thanks for your advice man. Quick question folks, do you think using something like Grecian Formula would interfere with topicals (e.g., Rogaine) being used as a hair loss regimen?
No, it doesn't interfere, I use both at the same time. The Grecian goes on your hair, not really on your scalp.


New Member
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Don't worry, you are not alone...

I am also 26 and noticing a few grey hairs on the sides... I don't really too much about it... in fact, if anything, it makes me more distinguished.. my girlfriend doesn't seem to mind either, and playfully points them out from time to time....

It is definitely a myth that those with early greying tend to keep their hair. I'm 26 and a N2.5.... I don't think there is a correlation... I'm more concerned about my levels of stress than anything... I think that's why I'm greying.



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i am only 23 and i notice gray hairs too. i never noticed it until i started finasteride and nizoral. i am not saying they are the cause but makes me wonder if they are. i just tweezer them out.


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Melanin occurs naturally in the skin and is what causes the color in hair. As we age, our body produces less and less melanin, and the lack of melanin causes the hair to go grey and eventually white, as all melanin is gone. This is also what causes old people to have a lighter complexion. Nizoral and other hair treatments have nothing to do with melanin. The active ingredient in Youth Hair and Grecian formula replaces the melanin in the hair shaft and causes the hair to look normal again.