Green Tea & It's Effect On Hair Loss?


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Green tea. I've read a lot that's it raises DHT and I've read a lot that it lowers it.

My hairloss started coincidentally around the time I was drinking 3/4 cups a day so I stopped. Kinda learnt 99% comes down to genetics anyway so I want to start again. I am a little apprehensive admittedly though.

Is there actually any real proof that green tea either helps or exacerbates hair loss?


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Why would you want to start drinking it again if there was a chance it was causing your hair loss?


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Because it is so so good for you in so many ways!

I heard that green tea blocks dht. So in theory it should help with hair loss if anything but I'm not 100% sure, if more health benefits outweigh the risk of losing your hair to you then why not go for it and start drinking it again?


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I heard that green tea blocks dht. So in theory it should help with hair loss if anything but I'm not 100% sure, if more health benefits outweigh the risk of losing your hair to you then why not go for it and start drinking it again?

I had also heard or blocks DHT but then I also saw certain posts saying it raises. I feel as there is no definitive answer..


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A green tea's catechin can inhibit in vitro the 5-alpha reductase responsible for the conversion of testosterone to DHT. There's no consensus whether it does the same in real life.


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WOOOOW you drink green tea, wtf dude?????!!!! do you really have no interest in keeping your hair???
at this point why not also inject yourself some trenbolone or exogenous testosteronne?????


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WOOOOW you drink green tea, wtf dude?????!!!! do you really have no interest in keeping your hair???
at this point why not also inject yourself some trenbolone or exogenous testosteronne?????

Are you serious? I love green tea and drink it almsot everyday. It causes hairloss?


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I personally hate the stuff but I'd drink it if someone could prove that it helps stop hair loss. Until then I'm sticking to good old fashioned black tea!


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It contains Kaempferol which is a JAK3 inhibitor and therefore can potentially induce/prolong anagen. Caffeine has been shown to inhibit 5ar and promote hair growth. Also contains anti-oxidants which could help with the oxidative stress aspect of PHL. Seems like the extract would make a good topical.

Well, you can get green tea shampoo................