Groin pain


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Anyone know if Propecia is known to cause groin pain at all??

The past few days I've noticed irritation or very, very mild 'pain' in my upper left groin area. It went on for a couple of days, so I stopped Propecia for one day. That exact day, the pain stopped. Next day, I re-strated Propecia. The pain wasn't as much, but I still felt 'twinges' or something down there.

Again, this is by no means serious, it's not hurting, but I call it 'pain' because I feel 'something' down there.

I've been on propecia for 4 or 5 months now, so I'm not sure why it would start only now if that's what it is.

Any thoughts?

not me!

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Finasteride's half-life is too long for any kind of pain resulting from it to be diminished from one day of stopping. I get an occasional groin pain too, but it is almost always chalked up to something I did while being active (running, weight-room, etc.)

However, anything is possible. Some men do experience a recurring groin pain from the drug, but if it was just the one time you may have done something else to warrant it.

JJ Gittes

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I experienced groin pain when taking finasteride--particularly during the first six months, or so. It eventually stopped, although it would reemerge every once and awhile for a day or two during my finasteride tenure. Funny, I've never had any groin pain at all on dutasteride.


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I just have a feeling it's related to Propecia. Is this a serious side effect or just something that's going to nag at us while we take the medication?

not me!

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Good question. Why not give the Doctor that prescribed it to you a call?

Like I said, it is a fairly common complaint. It may just be one of the "con"'s that you have to put up with to get the "pro."


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in that case, keeping my hair is worth a little groin pain here and there!


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a possible side effect from taking finasteride is testicle pain, however this may pass with time while still taking finasteride or when a person stops taking finasteride the side effects will go away.

Molecular Help

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Does anyone actually ask their doctor questions about finasteride though?

Some questions on here, specifically when people seem to be special cases for one reason or another, should certainly be posed to a doctor. We can't do anything for people with other problems or strange reactions.

Based on my experience with doctors, and what others have said on here, they don't seem to be any better with general finasteride issues than the one would be if they thoroughly searched this forum for their question. That's both a credit to this forum, and a sign that there's only so much that is known about finasteride. Some doctors seem to know nothing about it, while others have widely varying opinions and prescribing criteria. Some don't think you should use it until your hair loss is rather advanced... NW3 or better. Doctor's like that are trying to watch out for us. There are plenty of medications with high incidences of side effects and potential unknown complications that these same doctors would freely dispense, just not for something considered a vanity issue.

Basically there's no information on finasteride that doctor's have that you can't find yourself on this forum. Only the best doctors will be familiar with everything one would find on here, and anything new data would be here at the same time doctors had access to it.

not me!

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You are more right than you know. I just got done with another post on Finasteride in which I congratulated the guy for actually doing some whole-hearted research.

Finasteride is a serious medication that is all-too-often taken too lightly. The fact is, noone knows the possible consequences of taking hormone-altering medication for an extended period of time.

As far as asking a physician, I truly hope that everyone taking it is under the advise of a physician (pipe dream, I know but still...)

There are just too many variables to list and self-medication is a dangerous game.