ground flaxseed


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I was taking the suggested serving size of organic ground flaxseeds which is 2 tbsp for about 11 weeks daily. I buzzed my head down to a #1 and within a week of growing my hair out, I noticed how incredibly thin my hair appeared. It appeared to me to be the thinnest it has ever been. It appeared I lost hair in areas were I didn't noticed prior I was losing. In other words, like the whole top of my head thinned out.

3 weeks ago, I stopped taking flaxseeds because I figured they weren't helping and fearful they might be making things worse. I'm now noticing regrowth of hairs in the front of my hairline and overall I'm satisfied with the way my hair looks. It might just be because I grew it out or it may be because of regrowth.

What I'm trying to figure out is if the flaxseeds were beneficial or not. I wonder if I was experiencing a shed before the regrowth. I'm doubtful of that because 11 weeks seems like a long time for an initial shed to kick in for what might be a mild anti-androgen.

I'm tempted to give it another shot with the flaxseeds but I wanted to know if anyone had suggestions based on what I experienced.