Growth After the Transplant


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Hey all,

So I got a hair transplant August 15, so it's been a little over 4 months now. I feel like I've read every website out there documenting what the first few months of growth are supposed to look like, but now that I'm actually going through it, I'm slightly nervous.

My surgery was 2309 grafts to the front area only (not crown, even though thats going as well) with a total of around 4,500 hairs.

I had diffused pattern alopecia, so thinning all over the scalp, so I wasn't completely bald when I got the transplant; rather, I had a bunch of hair all over the top but you could still visibly see the scalp and thinned out hairs, so I opted for a transplant.

All my native hair has grown back and I look just like I did before the transplant. When I run my hand through my hair, I feel stubble here and there but it doesn't feel like that much. And I know it's only been four months, but it also doesn't look any different even with the tiny stubbles popping out at the top.

So for those of you who had hair transplants, what was your fourth month like? Did you have a lot of growth yet or did it take more like six months before it made a noticeable difference?

Any input would be appreciated; I think I'm being a little silly worrying about this so early but I feel like some responses would just lighten up my mood and brighten up my day.



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4 months in I started to notice results, but some take 5/6 months so don't don't start worrying yet.

Who did your hair transplant?

ps - You did well to avoid shock loss of your native hair


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Hair transplant post-op growth usually takes around 6 months. A friend of mine who is a transplant doctor said that he gives his patients Regenepure after their op. because it helps w/ growth and thickness. Never used it though, so you might want to do some research. Good luck!


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My Regimen
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Hair transplant post-op growth usually takes around 6 months. A friend of mine who is a transplant doctor said that he gives his patients Regenepure after their op. because it helps w/ growth and thickness. Never used it though, so you might want to do some research. Good luck!
isnt that the equiv of nizoral?
just wondering