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Does anyone get immense and self-hating guilt occasionally, or, for that matter, on a daily basis?

This really drags me down-- and I think it's partly because of how I was raised, a Catholic. When it comes to masturbation, there is immense guilt. When it comes to speaking my mind, I am extremely careful and guilty if I say something the least bit controversial. When it comes to expectations, I'll always feel guilty even if things are out of my control, or if I've done a great job. Always, and it's such a bummer. It's a feeling of constant worthlessness, and I challenge myself daily to get over it. However, I just get the feeling that it's something innate, that I've been channeled to behave like this since I was a child, and now it's second nature.

Anyone experience this?


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i was raised as a catholic and feel no guilt what so ever in anything i do,i doubt this has anything to do with religion.
feeling guilty about jerking off is insane


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Depends what you're jerking over!

Giggady - giggady- goo!! :woot:


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I don't experience it... but can definitely relate to it. I was raised a Catholic as well - we were regular church-goers. In the Catholic church (and many other religions) there is suce a thin set of parallel lines in which one is expected to live and not cross. If one is expected to be modest/guilty about triumphs or pleasure, and regretful/guilty about failure or "sin"... that doesn't leave much room for one's own personality to thrive, let alone to develop a healthy mentality. ("sin" covering just about everything including normal physical functions) In order for me to get by in life I HAD to ditch the way of life the church was promoting... otherwise I was to forever live in sin and self loathing, which would inevitably be my demise.

Aplunk1 said:
It's a feeling of constant worthlessness, and I challenge myself daily to get over it.
You sound well educated and ethical, yet slightly lacking in self respect. Self respect is an absolute must to live a healthy and happy life. I won't tell anyone to go against their beliefs, but you do need to work on it daily... in everything you do. Triumphs should result in pleasure and pride. Failure should result in rational thinking and constructive planning, and not cutting your wrists *hehe* Don't ever feel inferior to anyone, whether churches, bosses, the government, even your role models... Masturbation? ...well, this is normal and healthy (bugger what anyone else says). In fact I'd be more inclined to worry about the mental health of a person who doesn't masturbate.

Not sure if I'm hittin' it on the head here, but that's my opinion.


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s.a.f said:
Depends what you're jerking over!

Giggady - giggady- goo!! :woot:

:stupid: :woot:


I often feel guilty as well. I am Catholic but I don´t think it has anything to do with religion. When I was a child I often got mistreated by others. When they wanted something from me they were suddenly nice again and I forgave them just to see how they would make fun of me afterwards again. This has happened to me very often. This may sound arrogant, but I think I am just too nice for this world. Nice guys finish last, you know :jackit: Here I am now, 25 years, lonely and depressed....... My life could be different if my stupid parents had educated me to be an arrogant a**h**.


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A world full of 100% arrogant assholes would'nt be worth living in. You might have had some bad experiences but you've to have some hope. There are still plenty of nice people out there.


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Aplunk1 said:
When it comes to speaking my mind, I am extremely careful and guilty if I say something the least bit controversial.

Yeah. I used to be like this... just wanted to make people happy so would say anything to please them. But I learned that doesn't make for an interesting or memorable person so now I say crazy sh*t under the guise of irony. hahaha.

Aplunk1 said:
When it comes to expectations, I'll always feel guilty even if things are out of my control, or if I've done a great job. Always, and it's such a bummer. It's a feeling of constant worthlessness, and I challenge myself daily to get over it.

I can relate to this. I have always felt everything I do is never good enough. Worthlessness. I've traced it back to my childhood and the expectations of my parents. I don't blame them or anything ..

It's not nice, but I've achieved some incredible things because of it. Always feel I have to be the best at anything I do and will not stop until I am. So .. every cloud, heh.


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I found that as long as I don't use my depression/hair loss as an excuse to cover my mistake, I am motivated to do better.

I quit gym, stopped working hard at work when hair loss started, I just thought nothing could recover my hair and my youth, I became more and more depressed and very ignorant.

I am much happier when I keep my self busy with work, gym, social life...I just dont have enough time to stress my hair. I told myself I will give finasteride and minoxidil 1 yr to see how it helps. If it all fails, time to buzz it and get on with my life.


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yeah, the catholic guilt is a b**ch; however, it works well in helping you make decision in life on right and wrong

Bald Dave

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I feel guilty about most things but deffinitely not wanking! Everyone does it, even a preist pulls his pud! You shouldn't feel at all guilty about jerking the gherkin!


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Bald Dave said:
I feel guilty about most things but deffinitely not wanking! Everyone does it, even a preist pulls his pud! You shouldn't feel at all guilty about jerking the gherkin!

that is blasmothy