Guy asks fro hair transplant on panel show!

Breaking Bald

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Guy asks for hair transplant on panel show!

What do you guys make of this? The poor guy asks for a hair transplant on this panel show, the laughs from the audience and the attitude of the blonde guy makes me angry! At least he got some compassion though :) it took a lot of guts to come on a TV show and admit to how badly hair loss has affected him.

Breaking Bald

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Just stumbled on it by accident when looking up Duncan Valetine's hair transplant, just another crap reality TV show really but at least they are helping people in this one. The contestants give requests for money for whatever reason and if the millionaires like it they get the cash.


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Cannot tell you how much I wanted to slap the blond guy what a disgusting way to treat people! Especially since he sat there with more follicles than most normal people and doesn't know anything about what it's like to lose confidence over hair loss. Have some respect man. I think the guy was very brave to go on the show and he has a humble attitude and I'm glad he got the transplant and hope it worked. Even though his hair wasn't that bad but hopefully it will give him a boost.


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My Regimen
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His hair wasn't that bad? He needs like 2 hair transplants, or one big session, and he needs to also be on Rogaine and finasteride or dutasteride so that it won't get any worse(hair transplants do not stop male pattern baldness). I think also his hair style makes it look even worse. If he had a better hair cut it wouldn't look that bad.

Good for him though.