If you hate long posts, better skip. If you don't mind answering a few questions, please read on.
I am 39 and got hit early, 17 to be exact. Only good thing was process was very very very slow. Started at one temple and took a good 10 years for it to gradually spread up to forehead and back over to the other temple. At that time (27), it all just stopped. Back in those days the only thing out was something called polysorbate. I started on it around age 20 and it worked for 1-2 years as temple filled almost completly in. But after 1-2 years, recession reappeared at that temple and then slowly spread over to other then everything just stopped. I remember hating the recession even though it was not much. But I was glad it stopped and was thankful I did not inherite the male pattern baldness gene from mom's side as would end up really bald like every other male in the past 3 generations. Still it did not seem like my dad's side as they do not begin until about 70 and then it's vertex only. Well as time went on things still looked good until about age 33 when It looked like things were starting up again , only this time in vertex rather than up front. You could only see it when wet but that was still enough to get me started on generic minoxidil which had been out about 1 year at that time. minoxidil seemed to work at least to the point that it stopped the process. I started taking pictures and most that saw them said I was not reallly regrowing but not advancing -basically halting further advancement. Then a few years later when I was 36 somthing started happening to me. Body hair started coming in while vertex started advancing steadly. This was very noticable change and I know it was not my imagination as my loss for almost 20 years had always been very very slow up to that point.
It's almost like it's a different/separate kind of loss as it responds to treatment differently as well and I have scape irriatation only in vertex (most of which in outline area) while hairline never has had this problem.
I finally got on finestride a couple of months before my 38th birthday . Unlike most guys I saw results up front before vertex. I knew hairline was going get better 3-4 months after starting but vertex took twice that long.
It did finally improve and I was pleased as it had worked much better than minoxidil ever did. After about 1 year I ran out and it took awhile to get more. I started seeing hair in shower /pillow and even now several months after getting back on finestride I am still seeing it, maybe not as much but it sure looks like I have started balding again. I have more comments but I will stop for now and ask a few questions:
1) Could I have one type of male pattern baldness in the front and a different one in the vertex? There sure seems to be a big difference. Even after 3 years of minoxidil, Front will maintain/get slight regrowth , but I am sure I wlll develop a bald spot in vertex without finestride. minoxidil just isn't enough anymore.
2) What triggered this fast onset of vertex loss after 20 years of mild recession?
3) How long will finestride work? Even though most of my loss has been very slow, 2 treatments (polysorbate, minoxidil) have already stopped working after 2-3 years.
I could pester you guys with questions all night but I will be quiet now
Thanks for any help.
If you hate long posts, better skip. If you don't mind answering a few questions, please read on.
I am 39 and got hit early, 17 to be exact. Only good thing was process was very very very slow. Started at one temple and took a good 10 years for it to gradually spread up to forehead and back over to the other temple. At that time (27), it all just stopped. Back in those days the only thing out was something called polysorbate. I started on it around age 20 and it worked for 1-2 years as temple filled almost completly in. But after 1-2 years, recession reappeared at that temple and then slowly spread over to other then everything just stopped. I remember hating the recession even though it was not much. But I was glad it stopped and was thankful I did not inherite the male pattern baldness gene from mom's side as would end up really bald like every other male in the past 3 generations. Still it did not seem like my dad's side as they do not begin until about 70 and then it's vertex only. Well as time went on things still looked good until about age 33 when It looked like things were starting up again , only this time in vertex rather than up front. You could only see it when wet but that was still enough to get me started on generic minoxidil which had been out about 1 year at that time. minoxidil seemed to work at least to the point that it stopped the process. I started taking pictures and most that saw them said I was not reallly regrowing but not advancing -basically halting further advancement. Then a few years later when I was 36 somthing started happening to me. Body hair started coming in while vertex started advancing steadly. This was very noticable change and I know it was not my imagination as my loss for almost 20 years had always been very very slow up to that point.
It's almost like it's a different/separate kind of loss as it responds to treatment differently as well and I have scape irriatation only in vertex (most of which in outline area) while hairline never has had this problem.
I finally got on finestride a couple of months before my 38th birthday . Unlike most guys I saw results up front before vertex. I knew hairline was going get better 3-4 months after starting but vertex took twice that long.
It did finally improve and I was pleased as it had worked much better than minoxidil ever did. After about 1 year I ran out and it took awhile to get more. I started seeing hair in shower /pillow and even now several months after getting back on finestride I am still seeing it, maybe not as much but it sure looks like I have started balding again. I have more comments but I will stop for now and ask a few questions:
1) Could I have one type of male pattern baldness in the front and a different one in the vertex? There sure seems to be a big difference. Even after 3 years of minoxidil, Front will maintain/get slight regrowth , but I am sure I wlll develop a bald spot in vertex without finestride. minoxidil just isn't enough anymore.
2) What triggered this fast onset of vertex loss after 20 years of mild recession?
3) How long will finestride work? Even though most of my loss has been very slow, 2 treatments (polysorbate, minoxidil) have already stopped working after 2-3 years.
I could pester you guys with questions all night but I will be quiet now
Thanks for any help.