Guys, my hair is awesome.


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Got it trimmed (about an inch off), stopped using Nizoral (no more dryness), and my shed/flaking has stopped. As a result, I was playing with my hair today, and nothing I did made it look bad. It always snapped back into place, looked neat and tidy, thick and healthy. Pulled back some hair to get a cross-section of it, and damn, that's some nice density. I was even messing it up soaking wet mid-shower, tossing it around, lifting it up, etc, etc. and you could barely see scalp. Now that my shed's over, and my scalp's in way better condition, I have high hopes for a damn near full density recovery. Things are good friends, things are good!


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Glad to heard things are going well for you kiddo! Keep the spirits up, its all gravy from now on....



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hey deaner, did u say you are using head and shoulders?? i've never tried there different types??? way to go on the recovery.

Bone Daddy

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congrats Deaner!


I'm on a similar regimin, here's to success!

not me!

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Deaner, if you are having problems with dryness from the Nizoral, just utilize a moisturizing shampoo AFTER the Nizoral. But hell, if you are getting by without the Nizoral, by all means, screw it.


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Been on finasteride for 6.5 months, and that's all I've been on, in combination with Nizoral 2% which I recently stopped. Yes, I've been using Head and SHoulders 2 in 1 conditioner Classic Clean, it works wonders, makes my hair feel great, scalp's in the best condition it's been in since I can remember. Thanks guys!


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That is wonderful to hear. It must be a real thrill to find you can barely see scalp when wet.

I've been thinking of us as in the same boat, because we're about the same age, have the same type of loss, and started finasteride about the same time. I hope I see a change soon! It's been 6 months, and the top is still the same. It's fine when dry, but wet and pushed around....not good. Also, the right temple is thinner now where it was not so much before. I've been told to chill out, so I'm tryin'.


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nice to hear deaner, i have recently had four straight days of really really good hair, so much so that i was able to go out and not think about it hardly at all (at least when i wear it down). the feeling has been a huge relief, even if it is just a temporary good hair week i'm having, and i may have another shed sometime cause i realize how the process works, this week has just given me a little vacation from my hair. good luck to you deaner. looking forward to my six month mark. now i see why you aren't posting as much, you are starting to move on.


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Oh man Deaner not again.
I bet you'll complain about how bad your hair is in the next two weeks....



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bis, you notice how you're still the only one on my case? And you realize how you're (I HOPE) the only one who hasn't realized that about the last 50 posts of mine have been positive about my hair? Just go back and read them if you like. I'm pretty sure every one of them paints an increasingly more positive picture of my hairloss situation. Or maybe you're just too ignorant to actually read my posts, and hope to get a rise out of me by posting the same useless bullshit in every single one of my threads. Get a life buddy and post something more relevant one of these days...

Edit: Your negative posts won't bring down the great mood I'm in about my hair by the way :D


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Don't sweat the D-Man. We all know that our hair can go from great to sh*t in the span of a week. It's part of talk therapy to vent about the ups and downsâ€â€￾Lord knows I do it. If the man is happy, let him be happy.

P.S. Old school Head & Shoulders rocks! Love that smell, baby!

The Gardener

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Patience, Jaygee... you are still in the very early stages of regrowth initiation. Patience, and keep consistent with your regimen. Remember, given the components of your regimen, stastics are very overwhelmingly on your side to see some good results.


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i agree with temples, part of the strength of this site is posting your freakouts and your good days, i think its a really cheap and effective mental therapy. and i think now i know why there are hardly ever any positive posts on here, half the time people just get on your case about how you will be in the forum a week later talking about how sh*t your hair has become, and even if he is, who cares, we're all in this together, we all know the facts on propecia and that it most likely WILL work, so who cares if people vent out their ups and downs of treatment it doesn't hurt anybody and it probably really helps the person doing it. if it bothers you, don't read any posts that seem positive.


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Well If you knew Peaner I mean Deaner when he 1st came to this site he was a headcase and made a *** out of himself. Sounds like hes chilled out finally and btw congrats on your hair recovery. Listen to guys like Cassin / Axon/ Badhairdecade/ Bryan / and Gardner people that have been here for awhile they now there hairstuff. Its cool to vent but have patinece and do your homework.

Pce Brian


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extremekicks said:
Well If you knew Peaner I mean Deaner when he 1st came to this site he was a headcase and made a *** out of himself.

We're all headcases. Some are just better at covering it up than others. Losing your hair is a f*****g nightmare.