Guys who are losing there hair with no BALLS, lol you fail


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Jesue christ lads, you do talk a lot of shite.

I remember when I first joined this site a year a go, I was so paronoid and upset I became a hermit. The fact is I was losing hair, no doubt, the other major facot was I was reapping in other peoples stories about not being able to deal with it it..
Hell, at that time I had f*****g no one, all my family had fucked off for other reasons.
So there I was a young dumb lost 22 year old wondering what to do.
Ill be honest, nothing helped me, I tried minoxidol, but then I felt it didnt didnt do any thing for me.

f*** it, I let my self go, and embraced it, you cant change what you are, boys you are what you are, stop hiding in the gace, f*** it all off, breathe deep and suck out your chest, hhhahahah, I bet youv no more about staying healthty than an average joe,.

Stick your chest out and breathe in your OWN air.

Were gonna take over soon enough, we just dont need little boys, like you still thinking its good to be weak

Faggs need not apply


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Acceptance is synonymous with weakness in the battle against hair loss. If you want others to deal with such cowardice, then that's your problem. However, some of us choose to deal with our humanity and not simply throw in the towel when our physical problems seem to get the best of us.

If mankind was to use your attitude with regards to all disease, I can guarantee that we would not have the medical and technological advances that we have today and death would be as common as simply getting a mildly infected papercut.

Follically Challenged

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docj, well said.

The guy tries two treatments (a regimen designed for failure, by the way) and he calls it quits, and then wants to say we are the weak minded ones.


Why do you even come here if you don´t give a f*** about your hair? Most of us have decided not to surrender to male pattern baldness. You are obviously the one who needs to get a life.


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Re: Guys who are losing there hair with no BALLS, lol you f

omgstfuty said:
So there I was a young dumb lost 22 year old wondering what to do.

The dumb part hasn't changed then.


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The dumb part hasn't changed then

Hhahahah priceless that there lad, seen as Im not the one taking all those drugs and potions every day.............

Ok, just carry on with it all, if you want........ its fair enough.

If you no how to advance in your life through adaptation.... then it shouldnt be a problem.............You dont, simple as.

I still belive that there is some blokes that come in here, not looking to pollute thee bodies through drugs, but to rather adapt to what they have been given.


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omgstfuty said:
The dumb part hasn't changed then

Hhahahah priceless that there lad, seen as Im not the one taking all those drugs and potions every day.............

Ok, just carry on with it all, if you want........ its fair enough.

If you no how to advance in your life through adaptation.... then it shouldnt be a problem.............You dont, simple as.

I still belive that there is some blokes that come in here, not looking to pollute thee bodies through drugs, but to rather adapt to what they have been given.

I'd be more inclined to take what you say seriously if you were capable of stringing a proper sentence together and knew how to spell.


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Global are you satisfied with your hair transplant? I am about to have a 900 FU strip in temples. nw2.5. similar case with you probably


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thylax said:
Global are you satisfied with your hair transplant? I am about to have a 900 FU strip in temples. nw2.5. similar case with you probably

I'm only 2 and a half months post surgery but so far yes I am very happy, I already have lots of new hairs appearing in the transplanted area which although they are short, they already give the impression of a hairline. Density so far looks good.

I'll be posting some update pictures I took this week end in the surgical section in the next couple of days. :)


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omgstfuty said:
I still belive that there is some blokes that come in here, not looking to pollute thee bodies through drugs, but to rather adapt to what they have been given.

Many people are "polluting" their bodies for nothing, at least we have a reason... I consider a visit to the centre of my city more harmfull than 1mg of surely has more chances of letting my d*ick down, with all the poluted air and the stress it causes to me...