Gynecomastia Question


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Out of curiosity, how long would it take for this possible side effect of finasteride or other treatments to show itself in someone? Are we talking one month? Six months? One year? I just want to keep my eye on things, but if it's impossible for anything to happen for a long time, I'd rather not stress about it.



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I was hoping someone would know! Maybe someone knows how to even tell if something's going on in that area?


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You would get sensitive there, and it is reversible, so don't freak out prematurely. Anyhow, there are possible side-effects from all the medical treatments, but I don't suffer from any, though maybe I am a bit hardened. Younger souls can be more prone to sensitivities.


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Well I have had some sensitivity and such, that's why I've been a little worried. I am chubby so I can't tell if it's just me being fat or if I'm noticing anything or not. I've always had a little man-boobage going on!

I was under the impression that it was not reversible after a certain point...without surgery. So I'm not sure what to do or how to look for this now. Maybe I'm worrying needlessly, but I really don't know any information on it.

I've had no other sides from finasteride except this tenderness...except my libido seems to have *increased*...not sure why...


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I was on finasteride for almost 2 weeks. After 9 days, I had severe burning pains in my chest/nipples and my nipples had just puffed out. It made me really upset. I stopped finasteride and after a few days, i no longer have the pain and my nipples are going back to normal.


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I haven't had any pain like that, and I don't really notice anything strangely large or out of place. Sometimes it mainly feels like I just did a few bench presses with a moderate weight.

I'm not unsure if this is enough to discontinue use or not. I don't want to have any side effects that won't reverse.


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I didn't get start to develop gynecomastia until I was on the drug for like 4 years.


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It's very possible to feel the effects of finasteride within a little as eight hours after your FIRST application. And that means, you could start to feel pain in your sexual organs, or sensitivity in your nipples.

But there's no way gyno would manifest itself in such a short time. There's no way that much fat or tissue could accumulate that quickly in the normal healthy person. So, if your nipples have gotten puffy, it could possibly be water retention.

I would also imagine the accumulation of fat is a lot more reversible than tissue accumulation. That might require surgery, in the form of liposuction, or a partial mastectomy -- where excess breast tissue is removed. But again, if you're that far gone, I'm fairly certain it would be extremely EVIDENT.