gynecomastia.. why does it scare me?


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I just ordered finasteride and for some reason Im rather nervous about gynecomastia. Im aware it effects a very small number of people, but if it does effect you can you get rid of it by getting of finasteride? Im 20 and healthy. A condition like that would really suck at this age. I hate to be one of those paranoid users who is freaking out before he starts but its hard. It seems like all I read about is gyno this and gyno that. Whats the deal there? Im being a sissy and feel like If i could cancel my order of finasteride I would. Is it just that the only users that post about it are the ones that have it?


Experienced Member
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Go with the facts not what other uses on here dont have to worry you wont get it.....and even if you do its treatable..just get off the treatment


blue says it right there, you are not going to get it, really, and even if you do (which is very very very unlikely), get off the finasteride and try a topical like spironolactone.


and another thing, get yourself an avatar.



albinoBOB yo are not going to get gyno.

take the pill, save your hair


Chujgcha said:
The chance of getting gyno I think are pretty low - 2%. Good luck!

this myth must stop!!!!

the chances of getting gyno are not 2%!!!!!

the overall incidence of sexual side effects are 2%, this includes: watery semen, mild groin pain, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido etc etc etc

and somewhere amongst this 2% is Gyno.


Senior Member
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TynanW is dead on, plus the Placebo group was around 1.7 % if I remember right. Proof of peoples inability to judge drugs with sides. But hey, it's your hair. Keep it or not. I just hope you don't look years down the line and wish you had overcome your fear and had given it a shot.

Look, these sites attract people who have problems so the "problem user" to "Successful and no problems user" ratios are way way off on these sites.

The problem is that when you have a site with "Problem Users" mixed with the "learning users" like you, they naturally get scared off.

Your best bet is to get over it and keep your hair. At least try.

Over use of the " on my part?



I have been taking finasteride for six months now. I have always had pecks and they are the same now as when I started. The only tits that have grown bigger are my girlfriends.


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I'm 18 and grew 34DD tits, I love em, I play with em every day. I can't wait to see how much bigger they'll get, since I'm not even @ month 5 yet!


Established Member
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Just want to completely slam this myth to the ground with some ice cold facts:

impotence (4.7% vs. 1.7% for placebo)
decreased libido (3% vs. 1.4%)
breast tenderness and breast enlargement (gynecomastia; 0.5% vs. 0.2%)
ejaculation disorders (1.4% vs. 0.5%).

So it's 0.5% with gyno, but keep the 0.2% placebo in mind as well.


Deaner said:
I'm 18 and grew 34DD tits, I love em, I play with em every day. I can't wait to see how much bigger they'll get, since I'm not even @ month 5 yet!

I regulary visit Deaner's 'Tity show' on AOL, I love that guy.


Established Member
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ALL of the sides stop when you stop taking the pills.


Senior Member
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i wouldn't worry about gyno if I were you. It's not like your going to grow a set of knockers overnight.
You'll notice if you got it long before it becomes visually noticeable. This will give you plenty of time to get off finasteride and things will go back to normal in most cases.
Read all the gyno posts. You'll notice most of these guys who suspect they have it don't even bother to go to the Dr. or really know what gyno is.

Even if you do get a slight case, it won't be noticeable to anyone but you unlike a balding head.

As far as I know there's only like two users on here (myself being one of them) who've had a confirmed case of gyno so don't worry.


good post BadHairDecade,

it must be tempting for someone who has actually had some gyno to shout "f*** merck, I got gyno so they must be lying about the figures....." etc,
but even someone who has had gyno is prepared to say that it is not at all common.


Established Member
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i know this may have been asked before, but isnt acne breakouts on your face another possible side from propecia or dutasteride?