Gyno developing ? Plz Help me out !


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I've been on Propecia for 10 months with no serious side effects !Just the commen sides like watery semen.

Now 2 weeks ago I switched to 1/4 Proscar and my chest is sometimes on FIRE ! It become very sensitive the last 2 weeks , a t-shirt bothers me sometimes when it touches my breast. It's no real pain , just a burning and some itching.

the last week i switched to 1/5 Proscar with no difference. I think my body is very sensitive when getting different doses each time.

Did that happen to anyone ? How should I continue, let the overdosed finasteride get out of my body and start again with Propecia ?

How long can I go without finasteride, untill my breasts get to normal again, without risking a huge shed ?

I use aloe vera gel to cool my breasts down which kind of helps

What about to get Propecia and splitt it in 1/2 or even 1/4. I Don't really want to risk a shed again. Been through a minoxidil shed already.

Currently using :

5 % spironolactone 2x
2% spironolactone 1X
5% minoxidil
and 1/4 Proscar with I started 2 weaks ago

2% spironolactone is about 3 weeks in th regime. 5% about 4 months.



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Becks says
I use aloe vera gel to cool my breasts down which kind of helps

Sorry, i know you were not trying to be funny but you had me in tears when i read that. Weird sense of hunour - my fault.

Mind you, i made the switch from propecia to the 5mg proscar and had no worries - but about a month ago i started reading about loads of people getting gyno and within two or three days i started to feel a little sensitive around the nipple and became paranoid about it - turns out it must of been psychosamatic as i was touching my nipple for signs of pain so much i made them hurt!

Not sure if that happend to you but try avoiding the tight tee shirt for a few days and stop thinking about it if you can - if not have a chat with badhairdecade as he is quite informed about it from personal experience