Gyno - "pseudo" and real


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Lots of guys complain about breast swelling from finasteride or dutasteride, but can anyone comment on the difference between "true" gynecomastia and the "pseudo" form, and the treatment of each? I assume Arimidex is the way to go for the former, what about the latter?


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- Stop taking whatever drug is causing the pseudo-gyno
- Hit the gym, lift hard and do plenty of HIIT cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach to burn fat
- Go on a cutting diet, get your bodyfat down to 8% if possible
- You could try Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) to try and reduce the fattiness

Standard stuff... if its "pseudo-gyno", and your hormones go back to the way they should after stopping the gyno-causing medication, it should resolve itself over time with diet and excercise. If not then it has probably progressed beyond "pseudo-gyno" and you will need to see a Doctor about getting it removed.


Senior Member
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My chest is certainly larger than it was... I think I may have pseudo-gyno since I don't feel any hard tissue when I do the "pinch test". I don't know whether I can blame the drugs though, since I've been working out 2/3 times per week for the last 18 months so I suppose I should expect some enlargement of the pectorals. Nevertheless I am a bit suspicious, since I'm otherwise quite slim (32in waist, 11st). Think I will drop back from Avodart to Proscar and watch the diet, like you say.


New Member
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What exactly is the "pinch" test. I started taking Fincar since April, and while I do not have puffy nipples or any pain of any sort in the chest area, my chest does appear larger than normal, but I think this is due to the fact that I've been eating very poorly with minimal exercise that caused a little bit of weight gain.