So I have a very mild case of Gyno that I had BEFORE i started finasteride, it doesn't bother me, my nipples are a bit puffy and I have some extra fat around my pectoral. But I work out all the time so the muscle hides it and you cannot really notice it. By the way 90% of guys experience Gyno, and for 10% the Gyno does not go away just a stat I found off of
So with that out of the way, my question is for people that had a slight case of Gyno before they went on finasteride (meaning just puffy nipples nothing really noticeable) did finasteride cause your Gyno to increase in size?
I Figure there has to be some member on here that has a slight case of Gyno and also has used finasteride
Thanks for your responses!
So with that out of the way, my question is for people that had a slight case of Gyno before they went on finasteride (meaning just puffy nipples nothing really noticeable) did finasteride cause your Gyno to increase in size?
I Figure there has to be some member on here that has a slight case of Gyno and also has used finasteride
Thanks for your responses!