

Established Member
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I began taking Propecia about a week ago and I was wondering, what exactly are signs of gyno? is it the actual formation of breasts? could this be confused with pecs? or is it the enlargement of the nipples? if it is, is it (I am no doctor, so bare with me) the darker outer circle or the middle part that can become erect?
Also, how big are we talking here? I am 20, 6 feet and 155 lbs. Will this make me less likely to develop it since i'm not very big anyhow?


You can't get Gyno in a week. It takes months for this to heppen if ever!


Senior Member
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If you really want to know more about it search the internet for "Gynecomastia". You'll be an expert on it in a couple hours :)


BadHairDecade said:
If you really want to know more about it search the internet for "Gynecomastia". You'll be an expert on it in a couple hours :)

or simply type, 'unusually large tits' into google.


Experienced Member
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tynanW said:
BadHairDecade said:
If you really want to know more about it search the internet for "Gynecomastia". You'll be an expert on it in a couple hours :)

or simply type, 'unusually large tits' into google.

i dunno..........u might get something else if you type that one in :lol:

some thing along the lines of


Senior Member
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gonna_win said:
u might get something else if you type that one in :lol:

some thing along the lines of

AWWW Dude :freaked2: I just got done eating breakfast too.....Truly disgusting. :!:


Senior Member
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What's really funny is they can show all that happening but they pixelated her fur burger becuase apparantly that would be to obscene :lol:


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BadHairDecade said:
What's really funny is they can show all that happening but they pixelated her fur burger becuase apparantly that would be to obscene :lol:

Obviously, BHD a***ysed the picture very intesively.... :p


Established Member
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i've been on finasteride for 8 months, no side effects. no gyno,etc..are some of you sure that hairloss hasn't just made some of you depressed that you eat more? i go to the gym almost every day so i don't know if i didn't i'd have gyno also,..but i don't have that problem. maybe i'm lucky..i've had no side effects at all


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ix said:
i've been on finasteride for 8 months, no side effects. no gyno,etc..are some of you sure that hairloss hasn't just made some of you depressed that you eat more?

Gyno is not like that. There's usually pain and/or sensitivity in the nipple area. I think the biggest problem here are a lot of uninformed people think gyno is just excess chest fat. That's only one type. Then you get comments like "cut back on your fat intake" or "your probably just eating more" . The other two types of Gyno involve growth of the breast gland and tissue which usually results in a lump that can get quite big and painful.

Personally I think anyone who feels like they need to post a gyno question or response needs to educate themselves before assuming the worse or telling someone else it's just fat and eat better.


BadHairDecade said:
Personally I think anyone who feels like they need to post a gyno question or response needs to educate themselves before assuming the worse or telling someone else it's just fat and eat better.

BadHairdecade don't shoot "ix" down, you're just a sad lonely internet troll who hasn't got a life, I am off to a club now, you are just sad.


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tynanW said:
BadHairdecade don't shoot "ix" down, you're just a sad lonely internet troll who hasn't got a life, I am off to a club now, you are just sad.

:lol: coming from a guy with over 1500 posts I'll take that as a compliment :lol:

CLub...riiigghhtt....more like off to a jar a of vaseline and a box of tissues :wink:


BadHairDecade said:
CLub...riiigghhtt....more like off to a jar a of vaseline and a box of tissues :wink:

:freaked2: what have you got there a webcam?