Had hair transplant, horrible results.. need help/questions


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So, I had an hair transplant back in August 2010...Age 23. Since I am military and they were offering it by an Airforce ENT surgeon near by for cheap ($600), I jumped on the opportunity. I did not do enough research before doing it AT ALL. I'm not even sure how many grafts he transplanted. Anyways, he went a little further down my natural hairline, and the transplants were so far apart there was no way it would grow in thick. I don't know what he was thinking, neither do i (even trusting him).

I was in a very depressed state in my life, and now, since the transplant didn't help AT ALL, it actually made it worse. I now have spots all over my forehead that I cannot get rid of. It actually makes it worse for me to look myself in the mirror. Not only am I going bald, I also have noticeable dots all over my head, and I have to Shave my forehead 2x daily so people can't see the ingrowing hairs. It is so annoying.

My question is, is there ANYthing I can take for my skin to help get rid of the spots? Would I have to have a hair removal surgery on my forehead? Should I find a reliable surgeon to have another transplant? I should have posted on here a long time ago, since it's been very hard on me ever since the transplant.

BTW- The spots are not very noticeable in the picture. It's worse in person.. I'll try to get another pic up.

Thanks to all the help, I appreciate it.


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I am really sorry, there are still many butchers out there. You have one person who can help you, and that is Dr Umar. He has had many worse cases than you.

How is your donor? It was strip? How is body hair? If you have money, there is still hope.


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thanks dudemon, that makes me feel a little better. All those names of ways to help fix the problem I have never heard of before. I will google them and see what they all are. Thanks!

@waldman, it was a strip. And actually, it healed very well considerably. I just shaved my head with a #2 and you can only barely notice it on the sides of head, and that's if you know that it's there. What do you mean by body hair? I'm not a really hairy guy? lol. I do not have the money right now, but saving. I will look into Dr. Umar, thank you


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Brother, hang in there. I've been trying to get repaired for almost two decades and it was not until I saw Dr. Umar that I had any success. For years I had lost hope and now am slowly starting to believe that I will look normal again someday.

As far as your specific case is concerned, I'm no expert but I see only one option: Getting those grafts removed. After their removal there are various dermatology procedures (Fraxel, etc..) that can be used to lessen any of the scarring left over from their removal. I see no other alternative outside of the removal of all those grafts. The good thing about this approach is there are alot of qualified, experienced doctors who can remove plugs like these.

Whoever did this should be outed on every forum you visit as a precautionary tale, this person clearly has NO training whatsoever and you should visit a lawyer, even if you signed a legal waiver, to sort out your options. Please keep us posted, lots of us are also victims


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One thing you can do in the meantime, is pulling out hairs from the plugs, leaving only 1 or 2 hairs in each plug. Then it will look better, and you will not need to shave all the way down, but keep 5 mm - 10 mm length... at least give it a try.