hahaha oh this really sucks


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I've been seeing this girl for about 9 months now, and I've been losing my hair for a good 5 years. When me and this girl first started going out my hairloss was still relatively not very noticeable. But yeah, now I'm at the point where she is definitely going to notice at some point very soon. Whats worse is that she is 18 and rather shallow. To an 18 year old, I imagine the physical appearance of your partner ranks very high indeed! I dont really know quite what to feel, strangely enough...I dont feel angry or bitter. Well, ok, just a little bitter. Really for some reason I just want to laugh about it. hahahahaha, but yeah, life really sux. Imagine the look on her face when all the sudden she realizes that I am balding LOL


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hair loss or the lack of hair doesn't deter women

i find younger women are more un-attracted to it

but you said you have been loosing it for 5 years
and been with her for 9 months

Im sure she has noticed it

ALOT of women just want security
this can be financial, or literal
if she wants to be long term with you
and your a candidate for propagation
im sure she will overlook your hair loss

hair loss does suck, but it's very common
maybe your girlfriends dad has lost some hair
and she is used to looking at a strong male figure with thinning hair


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here's an anecdote thats closely related to this.

about a year ago i was at a bookstore and saw a girl in the distance. my interest was piqued. i saw that she was holding a book, and i made it a mission to see if i could tell what book it was. if it was Twilight, then....meh haha. but if it was something I also read then I was gonna talk to her for sure. so i tried to move closer to see what book it was, but i saw that she kept moving away. and after a while it was becoming pretty obvious that she was going out of her way to avoid me. then i realized why: she had pretty horrible acne, and she was probably trying to keep a boy from seeing it. i could tell the signs, cause i'd once had bad acne too and avoided standing too close to girls.

i found this kind of endearing. and i realized that the acne, though pretty bad, didn't lessen my interest in her. i dont know what it is that deters the opposite sex, but i've found that things like hairloss and acne are minor blows. something like weight has a much more drastic effect. im just pointing this out, not saying that its the way it SHOULD be


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KDK87 said:
Imagine the look on her face when all the sudden she realizes that I am balding LOL
That wont be until you reach about NW3.


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KDK87 said:
I've been seeing this girl for about 9 months now, and I've been losing my hair for a good 5 years. When me and this girl first started going out my hairloss was still relatively not very noticeable. But yeah, now I'm at the point where she is definitely going to notice at some point very soon. Whats worse is that she is 18 and rather shallow. To an 18 year old, I imagine the physical appearance of your partner ranks very high indeed! I dont really know quite what to feel, strangely enough...I dont feel angry or bitter. Well, ok, just a little bitter. Really for some reason I just want to laugh about it. hahahahaha, but yeah, life really sux. Imagine the look on her face when all the sudden she realizes that I am balding LOL

First of, it seems what you are mostly saying is that you have a fear that she will realise and not like it. This fear is in your own mind. Sure, its a possibility, but its not a reality yet. So just keep on moving. If she loves you or really likes you as you then I doubt she is going to dump you over some minor recession?

No offence man, but I bet your hair loss is barely recognisable. Dont worry, I was there myself a few years ago. As your hair loss gets worse, you'll look back at the first few years of recession and wish you were still there. Just be grateful that you still have most of your hair, and probably, only minor, nw2 reccession max.


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If it is NW2 thats not even real hairloss its the most common hairline for a grown man.


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haha oh no, norwood doesnt apply to me. Diffuse thinner here, a blessing and a curse if you ask me. A blessing because hair loss can be hidden more easily, a curse because after so long you cannot hide it anymore and all the sudden people realize you are really really close to being bald. Does that make any sense??


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Yes, im a diffuse thinner AND a norwood! and i can defently say that thin hair is waaay worse unless you have a low hairline, then you can aplly topic.

(i could live with a high hair line, would fit my face but the diffuse fucked it up for me ... big time :jackit: )

uncomfortable man

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If and when she decides to bounce, expect some other excuse besides the hairloss as her reason for leaving. Unless she has some vendetta or is just a plain b**ch, most women want a clean uncomplicated break and get out without looking like a villain. It's sounds like you know better though.


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-lucky(?) for me, my hairline has remained intact since this whole balding fiasco began. However I got it pretty bad too, perhaps worse than you, not only do I have diffuse thinning...(drum roll) I also have lots of gray hairs popping up! Great, I'm gonna be the oldest looking 22 year old you have ever seen hahahaha.