Hair advice thread - tips and tricks



Smart initiative!

- Once you are up at 5 for the minoxidil, pop that 1/4 of proscar or whatever form you take finasteride. Testosterone levels are the highest in the morning.

- If you are new just starting a regime add a topic DHT inhibitor as a first step - finasteride takes time to buildup in the system. Too many people start of with minoxidil but that´s simply a mistake.


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Wear a hat to christmas dinners...avoid family + friends :p

Tan out in the sun (not burn) to mask the balding dome

Watch movies like Diehard, American history X, fightclub and realize that short hair is sexy. Lots of woman love that look. Look at poor Bruce he's a filmstar pimp even though hes lost a heck of a lot of hair over the years. Maybe he should have tried propecia :)


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shorter on the sides than the top it makes the hair look thicker
also a good hairdresser can do wonders, a bad one can make you hair look a couple of Norwood's worse