Hair Blending for hair thickness


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Any guys have any experience with blending or extensions for improving the thickness of hair?? Any advice on the best places to go? Does Farrell do this?


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Nobody has tried extensions to get more fullness for their hair? I'd be interested in hearing about any experience people have with this. I keep my hair longer and really want thicker fuller hair on top. The density on the sides and back is fine and I have some frontal recession Norwood 2-3 but if I just had some fullness to the diffuse thinning hair on top I would be happy. Can I do this without a hairpiece?
Do most extensions do significant damage to the hair they're attached to? I have plenty thick non-minaturized hair to attach the strands to- so I'm guessing this wouldn't be a major problem for me. Does the length of the haircut make much difference?

I'd appreciate any input from people who have some experience with this.


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There arent alot of places that do this for us guys to go and have it done.
There are alot pf places who advertise AS IF they do something like this, but when you go there they want to superglue a rug to your head for $3000 dollars, so thats why us guys steer clear of them.

The link I put on here looks like they add hairs to your own, but I`ve never tried it myself so really you cant be sure unless you go there in person and find out.

It seems like I had another link but I cant find it.....


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MichiganBaldy said:
Heres that other one, lol!

Hair splicing... there's a hot one...
I've read of it and watched a demo at a conferance which was trying to sell us on it. You glue these individual hairs to the existing ones. They grow out, fall off ... blah, blah, blah.

It's rather like a gal getting the individual eyelash extensions only times a thousand......
Takes hours to do and needs constant touch ups and your hair is still falling out
Get over it or get a unit.

I haven't heard of anyone doing it for the past few years, but I'm sure somewhere out there you can find someone willing to empty your bank account and attempt it.