Hair Cloning??


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Any word on the advancement of hair cloning? Used to be a hot topic about 5 months ago. They should be making significant progress by now.


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Sorry to burst your bubble... but with something like haircloning... ya dont hear reports of progress every few months.. infact ya might not hear something about it for another year :( I wish it was faster too trust me dont we all...


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KoBlack - please click the link top left corner of every page on this forum. "Follicle Multiplication vs. Hair Transplants" and "Follicle multiplication Slideshow". That is the latest in hair cloning. I believe somewhere near the end of the slideshow is a page discussing the current problems with the techniques. Bosley and a few others are working on a similar technology but we don't have access to their progress thus far.


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Thanks Unfortunately that article is not very promising.


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Nothing in cloning is very far along right now, so its promising that people are researching it just as much as every other cloning technique. At least someone's doing it :)


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Yeah, I don't see what isn't promising about it either.

When I told my friend that I wiss eventually go bald, and then followed up with "I can't wait until they find a cure", he replied "Dude, they'll never found a cure, they've been looking for a cure for hundreds of years now." That was the dumbest thing I ever heard him say. Today, they are able to plant hairs on bald mice like grass on a sandy beach! THEY WILL FIND A CURE!


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The article does not show positive evidence and it is more of a commercial for Gho and his Aruba club than info for the average dude. Tell me where it even says that Hair cloning is possible forget probable.

They will find a cure but will it be to late for you and me by then? Probably, so called baldness cures and false promise have been around as long as hair loss. Guys just like you were waiting eagrly for a cure in the 70's and 80's that never came and they went bald anyway. My point don't put false hopes of a cure coming in your lifetime.

Last year when the cloning articles and Gho first started getting publicity it sounded very promising and seemed to be a cure. That article just shows the negativity of reality and were it stands. I doubt Hair clonging will ever come to fruition.


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KoBlack said:
That article just shows the negativity of reality and were it stands.
Then maybe you shouldn't call it an advertisement for his practice. Not a very good advertisement if it reflects the lack of progress he's having, is it? He is doing legitimate research. And did you mean "where" ?


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Hmmm well i kinda thought this was a "cure" to but im not gonna hope for it...cures are very slim nowadays..i mean it seems as though companies want treatments not cures.Its funny how doctors create treatments and cures for things we really dont care about......i mean it seems to me that with all this technology that somebody somewhere would have thought about a cure for baldness before they built a stealth bomber or spaceships that can land on moons and sort.Spend 10 billion dollars on AIDS or baldness and i bet we get a cure by the end of this weekend.


HairlossTalk said:
Nothing in cloning is very far along right now, so its promising that people are researching it just as much as every other cloning technique. At least someone's doing it :)

Tell that to Dolly :lol:

No but seriously clonings sounds very Austin Powers. Growing follicles from stemcells sounds much more .. mature.

Stemcells will cure baldness, gene therapy will eradicate it. Stemcells within 10 years, gene therapy within 30.


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My point to my friend was that we have learned more about hair loss, cloning, genome mapping, cancer- you name it- in the last 10 years than we have in the hundreds of years before that. Learning isn't linear, it is exponential. The more we know, the faster we are able to get over the next obstacle, and so on.

For this reason I think we will have it nailed well before my time has passed. But yeah, I could be wrong.


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There is nothing wrong with holding on to hope. We are a hell of alot better than our Dad's would have been (if they went bald). Even so, if a cure does not come in our lifetimes treatments will get better and more complete.



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Either way, this is the next technology. We need to give the scientists some time. Probably a lot of it. I definitely wouldn't say its a bunch of BS though. Its a legitimate technology. The hard part is making it reproduceable and marketable to a large # of people. Thats basically where Gho says he is.

Not to mention bosley and the kirsch foundation and bazan who are all looking into it. Eventually they will all publish their findings and everyone will evaluate what they found, and go back and fine tune it more, and more, until its a useable procedure.


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Not to start a political debate, maybe its inevitable, but if you want the research to expand and increase in areas like cloning, stem cell research etc, you need to vote for kerry. Bushes conservative and religious policies will only increase if elected again and science will continue to take hits.

My .02 cents


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wouldn't it be your .02 dollars, aka 2 cents? .02 cents would be hard to come by...


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teqeeler said:
Not to start a political debate, maybe its inevitable, but if you want the research to expand and increase in areas like cloning, stem cell research etc, you need to vote for kerry. Bushes conservative and religious policies will only increase if elected again and science will continue to take hits.

My .02 cents

Absolutely. I think that everyone who suffers from hairloss has a big stake in this election. If Kerry wins, stem cell research blossoms, and the time it takes to work through the obstacles of hair-cloning, will be decreased by possibly a decade. Time is all we have, and it is precious. I hope it works out with Kerry, but I'm very dismayed at the moment.


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I agree with the point about voting for Kerry if your priority is to push for funding of stem cell research. It's actually cool, that topic, as it is one of the topics on which both Bush and Kerry both clearly state their stance.

I think that latest article of implanting stem cells into the bald mouse is so cool because they did it using stem cells from adults, not embryos. Man, if they can find equivalent cells in human ADULTS, then the contraversy isn't really there.

Good point on the 5 year bit. If I were doing this for that long, I'd probably be a little more pessimistic as well. But I'm only a year in, so my hopes are still high, naively or not.