Hair darkening


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Hi, I'm new here and I already have a question, maybe you can help me.
I'm a natural ginger haired person and as opposed to some ginger lovers I hate it. I dye it but as my body hair, eyelashes, eyebrows,....are also yellowish, I really hate it.

I've been doing some research and it's been told that some vitamins, hair pills, hair loss formulas.... might have an effect on hair pigmentation. I would love to have it darker without the use of dyes, henna, rinses,... Nothing that causes a root effect. Is there anyone who could help me with it?


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Hi Teffieto, as far as vitamins, supplements, etc. they won't have any effect on hair color- such as biotin, MSM, silica, etc. In fact they don't really do anything to your hair PERIOD.

As for medical treatments....the only one that I know of changing hair is minoxidil, but finasteride might do it too (not sure). Minoxidil actually states on the box that a possible side effect could be a change in hair texture/color.

What I took from this statement was, I (just imagined) that if you had naturally straight hair it could regrow curly, or vice versa. If you were naturally blonde it could regrow darker, or vice versa. I could be totally wrong on this but that is the conclusion I drew from their warning. And I'm sure these effects were rare and they just said it to cover their asses (people b**ch about weird things, hey- regrown hair is HAIR).

Some cases were reported about "excessive regrowth"....who the hell complained about that one??

All in all, if you want regrowth you're going to have to roll the dice and see what your results are.


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Teffieto said:
Hi, I'm new here and I already have a question, maybe you can help me.
I'm a natural ginger haired person and as opposed to some ginger lovers I hate it. I dye it but as my body hair, eyelashes, eyebrows,....are also yellowish, I really hate it.

I've been doing some research and it's been told that some vitamins, hair pills, hair loss formulas.... might have an effect on hair pigmentation. I would love to have it darker without the use of dyes, henna, rinses,... Nothing that causes a root effect. Is there anyone who could help me with it?

Teffieto, I have a couple of good friends who are red heads, and I think it fits them. Personally, I believe how your are made up totally, in your constitution, is who you are! Embrace the way you are, don't let society or anyone pressure you to change it.

But, if you are interested in changing something naturally, I know a couple of things that may help;
Melatonin is good, and effects the pigmentation of skin and hair, although taking this supplement will play with your own genetic coding in making your hair a more 'vibrant' red. Also, in FPB, Melatonin is claimed through some studies to keep pushing hair in the anogen phase, and makes you sleep, alot.

Henna is also good and natural, and effects the same melatonin receptor sites, to naturally color the hair, I'd recommend that if you want a change.

But really, I wouldn't try to stress it,
Good Luck


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Many thanks already; but I hope it's okay if I elaborate on a couple of things:

I'm not greying so it's really about darkening my ginger hair

I read about 4 things: paba, copper, tyrosine and melatonine... would combining those things have an extra impact on hair darkening?

I once tried tyrosine alone without for a month and it didn't do anything. but I didn't really take large amounts. so yeah the next question is: the amount? how much are you allowed to take to have the best results? after how much time should I suppose to have results?

many thanks


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Teffieto said:
paba, copper, tyrosine

They stimulate the production of melanocytes. They could make your skin a bit darker in summer but that's it. I am not aware of any supplement that can change the colour of your hair. Sorry.

If you don't like the ginger of your hair, this is an emotional or cosmetic problem not a medical one.


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Learn to appreciate and respect yourself for what you are and soon people will respect you.If you desperately want to darken it,you can always get it colored by a pro.


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61 =D

Other than that erm... maybe MSM... god knows :)

mpbsux20 said:
Learn to appreciate and respect yourself for what you are and soon people will respect you.If you desperately want to darken it,you can always get it colored by a pro.

Well true enough.

If you want though feel free to take those tablets, if nothing else it should make your hair AWESOME. Hehe :)


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many of us over here talk about hairloss and have a problem with it. I appreciate it and don't judge it but then I have every right to find a solution for hair color and saying it is an emotional and cosmetical problem...sorry, i think it's not respectful. hairloss cannot be considered medical if you put it that way.

when I read about msm pills, it says that it only affects scalp hair. I mean: if you take a supplement that affects hair, it should effect all your hair, don't you think?

I know melanotan does not only darkens skin but also hair and the official reports say it doesnt effect hair but almost everyone also notices hair darkening. but an injectable drug is not my cup of tea.

This is the year 2010, I can't believe something like that is not possible.

I'm not yet graying. I suppose it's easier to darken non grey hair than greys


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It's genetics though man that's telling your hair follicles to produce hair of a certain colour, right?

So you see the problem, how on earth can you tell every follicle in your body to change the colour of the hair it is producing... with a supplement?

It would have to interfere with the innermost workings of the follicle, and then how can we be sure it's going to not affect other things?

It's complicated dude, and as far as I'm aware it doesn't exist ._.

However, you could try asking a trichologist or just a very good hairdresser for tips on this kind of thing.

There is a reason though why most people just dye hair, it's because it's kinda the only way to do it.


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there are injectables available but most people don't like to inject themselves. it only makes me think that there must be other options. Balding is also genetic but there are solutions and new solutions coming up.


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Yeah I wouldn't go anywhere near anything like that, it's just too extreme.

Well who knows, there might be an answer for you out there somewhere :)

If you can be ok with your hair colour though then maybe it's best to try, I mean it's just part of YOU :)

I mean ok I know my currently thinning hair is part of me but... it's a recent change! lol