Hair days?


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Anyone else find that their day is greatly defined by how good or bad a 'hair day' they have in the morning? It's a little pathetic just how much effect this can have on my day. If things seem bad then I'm like: "Dammit, Propecia isn't doing jack sh*t, I'm gonna have to shave it, the end is near etc..." lol.

If it seems pretty good in the morning then it's a different day: "Well, there's still quite a bit there, could be worse - I'm not actually fully bald yet, maybe I'll be lucky and can hang on for a few more years until Histogen or something comes along, blah, blah, blah..."

The difference in my mood can then be quite astonishing. It really affects how I feel for the rest of the day, how I conduct myself with other people - just about everything is influenced by those 1 or 2 minutes looking in the mirror in the morning.

Anybody else willing to admit something similar?


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I'm like this nearly all the time unfortunately. I have zero confidence if my hair isn't styled the way i want it to be and am my usual self if it is.


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Boondock said:
What's your Norwood?


When my hair is at it's longest I would be happy with it to be honest. I've got a pretty conventional haircut, just combed forwards and then the fringe (such as it is) is combed off to the side. A bit like the Sheldon character in The Big Bang Theory if you ever watch that show.

Trouble is when it's really windy I get paranoid coz I know it's being blown to sh*t. When it's freshly cut I know I dont have to worry so much about that but I don't have enough to be content with it.


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Maelstrom said:
Boondock said:
What's your Norwood?


When my hair is at it's longest I would be happy with it to be honest. I've got a pretty conventional haircut, just combed forwards and then the fringe (such as it is) is combed off to the side. A bit like the Sheldon character in The Big Bang Theory if you ever watch that show.

Trouble is when it's really windy I get paranoid coz I know it's being blown to sh*t. When it's freshly cut I know I dont have to worry so much about that but I don't have enough to be content with it.

This is one of the two best hair styles for this Norwood. It's probably the best choice.

It you wanted to look at alternatives, the other choice is to do the opposite: cut it really short. Parodoxically, even though the temporal recession is on show, a buzz of grade 1-5 can make the whole thing look less noticeable.