hair dye for scalp dye?


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Looks safe. I want to dy just the front inch of my hairline. I think the light brown will be safe. Do you think it will dye the scalp like I want? My roommate says yes, but maybe his dyes were stronger. I emailed them. Dermmatch sounds good, but there are issues of color and removing the excess. I'd rather just dye my skin for a week. The stuff is supposed to be organic and non-harsh. I hope my nizoral does not remove the dye fast.

And I'm going to buy suave thickening shampoo and just use it on the male pattern baldness area.



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wow my hair looks dark in that picture. I even noticed it in the mirror just now. I wonder if it is getting darker. I could not even find the light hairs in my temples that I wanted to dye before. I'm now just getting the dye for my scalp.


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another friend of mine says that all dyes damage hair roots eventually. I wonder if any sunless tanners would look good enough, and not orange.

Thinning Sucks

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Wow...if this works it will be great....I'd love to be able to short term dye my scalp. Problem I see is it will not stay consistent and have white spots as it fades probably.


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it is under the hair, and hair has strands, so it does not have to be even. but flakes would be bad. One of my friends says the scalp will stay dyed two weeks. the other says two days. Both said they died their hair a lot when they were younger. I wonder what brands they use. I'm going to buy the suave right now, and research the tanners and dyes a bit more.

even though something is natural does not mean it is less harmful than a synthetic product. Just something to keep in mind.


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27 ... ng/SN00037

looks good. DHA will not color hair. Just scalp. Lasts 3 days. won't hurt hair, I think, though they don't care if body hair gets hurt, so who knows. dermmatch is just a skin brown anyway.

And if a woman finds it, she will see it is a tan. So what? She can put her fingers in it. No pillow issues. Better for her to find a tan than a bald spot. If she looks, it is possible she will recognise the tan but not the fact that the hai is thin. And I'll look a lot better from 3+ feet away. If she falls for that, she will be more forgiving of the tan.

I looked at the thickening shampoos. Not so sure I want to displace a single NANO dose with one. They are cheap enough I can try them, though. I'll go with the suave.